Chapter One

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Camila's POV
"Lauren why don't you listen to me?" She removed her earphone's and looked at me. "Did you say something?" "Oh my God Lauren exactly." "What did I do?" "It's actually what you didn't do." "Well what would that be?" "You don't listen to me that's what." She stood up and got right in front of me. She sometimes scares me because she is a little taller than me, but she is still scary. "Guess what Camila I don't have to listen to you 24\7." "You don't even listen to me for ten minutes." "Well maybe your annoying and I don't like you and you never care about me. All you care about is yourself and sometimes you can be a fucking dumbass Bitch. God Camila don't you ever see what a Bitch you are?" I was a little hurt by her words. "You know what maybe we should just break up if I'm that annoying." I saw a hurt look in her eyes and she stepped closer to me. "Camz I didn't." I cut her off and pushed her away. "Don't Camz me. You can't just say that and call me Camz like nothing happened. You know I'm emotional and insecure. I thought that you knew that Lauren." I felt tears in my eyes and I guess Lauren saw. "Camila please please don't cry I'm sorry." She held her arms out and as mad as I was with her all I wanted was to be in her arms. I buried my head in her collarbone and started crying. She rubbed my back and told me to calm down. I was still mad at her, but no one gave hugs like Lauren. I pulled back and rubbed my eyes. "Camila I'm really sorry. I know that you probably won't forgive me, but." I cut her off. "Lauren I forgive you people slip I get it." "No Camila I had no right saying that to you especially after what you've already been through." "Lauren just chill down I'm fine. I'm going to bed goodnight." I walked upstairs and went into the bathroom. I looked into the mirror and felt insecure. Hey Camila why are you even looking at yourself? You might brake the mirror. "Go away already." I can't get the stupid voices to go away. Hey Camila I have an idea. Why don't you go and take those pain killers over there. Just end it all right now. You already fucked up with Lauren and she was right. You are a little Bitch I can't believe you didn't notice already. I grabbed my head and leaned against the wall and slid down the wall until I reached the floor. "Go away." Camila you can't get rid of you're only friend. I am here forever and I'm king to make you feel better. "I don't want you to help me. Go away." Come in the pain killers are right there in the counter. Obviously if Lauren cared she wouldn't have left them there. Maybe she didn't care about me and just felt sorry for me. See I am right take the pills. I grabbed my head even tighter and screamed for it to go away and started crying again. I stood up and grabbed the knife that was in my bag on the floor. I put it to my chest and was about to do it, but the door opened. "Camila what the fuck are you doing?" She grabbed the knife and I just had a break down. I slid down the wall and grabbed my head and started crying nonstop. What is wrong with me?
Lauren's POV
I felt so bad for screaming at Camila like that. She is extremely insecure and I should've known that. She went upstairs and I sat on the couch. I was going to give her some space and then I was going to fully apologize for what I said. After about five minutes I hear Camila scream for something to go away. I jumped off the couch and ran upstairs. I tripped on the stairs, but I didn't care. I tried opening the bathroom door, but it was locked. I banged on the door. "Camila open up." I didn't get a response, but I knew that she was there. I banged even harder and said, "Camz please I'm getting scared." She didn't answer so I kicked the door open. I saw Camila standing by the sink holding a knife to her chest. "Camila what the fuck are you doing?" I grabbed the knife from her hands and she just broke down. She slid down the wall and grabbed her head and started crying. "Camz please say something." She looked at me like she was could see right through me. "Camila please you're scaring me." "Why won't it stop Lauren?" "Why won't what stop?" "The voices why won't they stop?" She tightened her grip on her head and screamed again and put her head in between her legs. I was genuinely scared right now and I don't get scared easy. I put my hand on her shoulder and she put her head on my chest while still holding her head. I put one arm around her head and another around her shoulder and I began to rock her back and forth. She was scaring me I have never seen her like this. What if it's because of what I said today? Why am I so stupid? No stay strong for Camila she needs you right now more then everything. She was still crying and every once in a while I would feel her tighten her grip on her head. I heard her quietly saying go away and at this point I was terrified.
Camila's POV
Camila look at yourself. You have Lauren feeling sorry for you. What a disgrace you are I can't believe I'm still talking to you. "Go away. Go away. Go away. Go away." Lauren continued to rock me back and forth trying to get me to calm down. "Camila please calm down." "Why won't it stop already?" "I don't know please try to calm down. Ignore it focus on my voice okay." "Okay Lauren." Who are you kidding you can't ignore me. I am here to make sure you get out of the way. Just end it now. "You aren't real. You aren't real. You aren't real." I felt Lauren rubbing my back and continuing to rock me. "Please calm down Camila for me." Whenever the voice tried to come I ignored it. After about a few minutes I felt sleep take over me.
Lauren's POV
After Camila's break down or whatever that was she fell asleep. I carried her into her room and laid her on her bed. I covered her up and laid down on the bed next to her. I covered myself up and wrapped my arms around her waist. I soon felt sleep take over me and I let it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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