Level 2

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It was Sunday, one of Sophie's favourite days. The date was the 5th of June 2016 and around 7 in the evening , so it was officially summer. Sophie enjoyed summer, she didn't exactly know why she liked it so much it might of been the nice weather or the thought of days out with friends. Her love of summer may have sprouted from having picnics with her father and mother when she was younger ,whatever it was she liked summer.

On today's list of things to do on this summer day, Sophie was meeting up with Simon from the sidemen to record a video for his channel. They planned a football quiz with forfeits if anyone got a questions wrong. Both Sophie and Simon had a wide knowledge of football so it should be an entertaining video. Sophie and Simon were very good friends and a few subscribers thought they would be good as a couple however when they thought about it, it seemed weird for them to think about being romantic with each other.

Simon had very short blonde hair and blue eyes, he was also very tall. When Sophie stood next to him it was like a giant and a midget so when they made videos together, their height was always the centre of their insults towards each other, in a joking way of course.

Sophie was packing anything she thought she needed for the day, seems as she already lived in London she didn't need much. She made sure she had extra batteries just in case Simon didn't have any, she also brought extra clothing with her and she made sure she had her phone and her purse with her. Once she knew she had everything she needed she left her apartment grabbing her keys on the way out and put them in her bag. She grabbed her phone and sent a text message to Simon, letting him know she was on her way.

Simon lived with the other members of the sidemen and their home wasn't far away from Sophies, it was walking distance so it wasn't difficult to film with anyone from the sidemen. Sophie and Simon first meeting was funny. They had the same humour and all they did when they first met was tell each other bad jokes and watch silly vines together that nobody else actually laughed at.

As Sophie was about five minutes away from reaching the sidemen house, she got a text from Simon telling her the door was unlocked and she should just walk straight in and go to the kitchen. After reading the message, Sophie popped her phone back in her bag a turned the corner to the road that led to her destination.

A couple of minutes later she reached their home and walked up the pathway and entered the home. She walked straight to the kitchen and saw Simon setting up his camera. She set her bag down on the kitchen side and greeted him.

"Hello Simon" She said softly with a smile. Upon hearing her voice Simon turned away from his camera set up and returned Sophies smile.

"Hello Sophie" He said and walked over to her and gave her a warm hug which Sophie returned. He walked back over to set up his camera and Sophie sat down and waited for him to finish.

"Would you like a drink?" He asked nicely as he finished setting up his camera and turning to Sophie.

"Yes please do you have coke?" She requested. Simon nodded and opened the fridge and grabbed two cans and passed one to her

"Thank you" She said as she opened the can and took a sip then placing it back down.

"No problem. Let me just get Josh he is asking the questions" He says before leaving the kitchen. Sophie grabbed her phone from her bag and clicked on twitter and composed a new tweet asking her followers to guess who she was making a video with today. She often did this when she was doing collabs, she enjoyed seeing who people thought she was filming with.

As she was looking through who people were guessing she heard a voice approaching the kitchen.

"So the plans for today, I think we're going to the pitch to film some football challenges..." She recognised the voice as Harry. He had short blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Oh look who's here" Harry was now in the kitchen with a camera in hand pointing it at Sophie. Harry didn't vlog often but it looked like he was today.

"Hey guys" Sophie greeted looking at the camera then back at her phone where she continued to look at whom people were suggesting

"Her and Simon are making a video together I believe?" Harry questions pointing the camera at Sophie once again.

"We are" Sophie confirms taking a sip of her drink and smiling

"I've said it before and I'll say it again I ship Sophmon" Harry says to the camera then grabbing a drink and leaving the kitchen. 'Sophmon' was Simons and Sophie's name together merged together. That was their ship name.

"Hey Sophie" Josh greets as he sits next to her giving her a side hug which she returned.

"Hey Josh" She greets back. Josh had short black hair and brown eyes. He also had a beard. Simon started the camera and sat beside Josh, who was in the middle.

"Hello everyone today I'm joined with Sophie" Simon stated pointing to Sophie

"Hey guys" Sophie said waving to the camera and smiling

"And also our question asker for today, Josh" Simon added pointing to Josh.

"Hey people"Josh greeted, also waving to the camera. Simon went on to explain the video concept and the forfeits if anyone got any question wrong and 2 plates of cream to Sophies face and 2 eggs to Simons head and half an hour worth of footage had been taped and it was so much fun. Everyone said bye to the camera and Simon turned of the camera and told everyone he was going to get changed which Sophie said she was too. She grabbed her bag and walked to the bathroom, locked the door and changed in to some black skinny jeans and and replaced the Chelsea shirt she wore for the video, as they were her favourite team, with a plain white shirt. As she was brushing her hair as a little bit of cream was in the ends of her brown hair, she heard Harry shout to whoever was in the house.

"Guys Suggy is on his way" She sighed knowing that her and Joe Sugg or 'suggy' would only be ignoring each other if she was still here by the time he arrived.

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