My eyes continued to study him, he was dressed in black, all black. He wore a dark shirt that appeared to be long sleeved, but was pushed up to his elbows. He had on fitted black jeans with chains on the side, and biker boots to match. I was so memorized my his gorgeousness that I didn't even hear what he asked my until he waved his hand in front of my face.

I had to blink twice to pull myself from my trance and when I did, I felt myself being pulled back at the sight of his smirk. This boy was a male model for goodness sakes - he has to be.

"Your staring at me, you do realize that right?" He said still smirking.

I blushed and looked down at my combat boots. "Sorry." I said, but my voice came out as barely even a whisper. Then it dawned on my, he could help me find my way to the office. I looked back at him and shoved the crumbled piece of paper towards him. "I need help finding the main office."

He raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry, you need help finding what?"

I frowned. "The main office building, you know, the place where the administrators are mostly likely at."

"You have an accent, where are you from?" The boy asked to my irritation.

"Dublin, but does that really -"

"Dublin, isn't that in Ireland?"

I nodded. "Um, yeah. Can you please point me in the direction of the main office, please." I repeated myself growing impatient with this talkative stranger.

He smirked and nodded. "Course babe, it's right behind you." He said pointing over my head.

I turned around and saw a large set of letters against the wall that spelled out, 'Main Office'. My cheeks flushed a shade of red, I must look so stupid right now. How could I not have seen that sign, the letters are gigantic and colored a bright red. It's either I need new contacts or I'm just plain stupid.

"Wow, thanks." I muttered and turned back to him, he was holding my crumpled paper out to me.

I grabbed it but the boy didn't release. Instead, he cocked his head to the side and looked at me for a long time. "You have a name?" He asked his voice smooth like velvet.

"It's Nikita." I replied and looked into his beautiful eyes. "How about you?"

His eyes darkened a bit as he looked at me, then lit up again. "Ryder."

"Interesting name you have there." I said giving him a smile.

His hand dropped from the paper and his eyes darkened, his lips pulled into a tight line. "Yeah, it is." He said, his voice sounding a bit harsh to my surprise. I've never met someone who had such mood flips, it's strange to meet one. I found myself wondering frantically what I did or said that would make him speak to me with that tone - I found nothing.

The sound of a door banging shut startled me so badly, that I jumped about ten feet in the air. I turned to find that I was alone in the hallway once again, sighing, I wrapped my hands around my book bag strap tightly as I walked into the main office building of the school. Ryder's sudden mood change was still fresh in my mind, twisting knots do depression and confusion in my stomach. For a reason unknown, his harsh tone hurt me, leaving a bruise in my heart. I could only conclude these feelings as the sadness of the loss of a potential friend.

Even though deep inside of me, I could feel that it was more than just the loss of a potential friend that was bothering me but something more than that. But, I quickly dismissed these thought, as they were illogical and idiotic. I was being stupid, I just met a hot guy and was suddenly head over heels for him - no, I couldn't be because that isn't how the real world works. All I knew was his name, and that isn't enough to concoct feelings for a person, you need an emotional and mental connection, along with the physical connection and as I am aware, I've only gotten physical connection.

What can I say really? The boy is a gorgeous human being, I couldn't help being physically attracted to him. It's human nature - female nature for a girl to be swoon senseless by a boys charming looks. But, I felt that I had more than a physical connection with this guy. It felt like I had all three, which I don't have to remind you is impossible. I don't even like this place.

I shook my head and walked into the main office. I looked around at the peach walls and the school spirit flags and banners. A trophy case took over the entire right side of the room, filled from top to bottom and from the looks of it they seemed to be building a new one. There was a long desk a few paces before me, two women sat behind the desk chattering away to people and shuffling through papers.

The door on the right side opened and Ryder walked out of the room, followed by a short man with a receding hair line that was dressed in a nice suit and tie. Ryder took long strides, a black bookbag on his back and a pink paper dangling from his right hand. The man followed his as fast as his stubby legs would allow him to move, basically yelling his words to Ryder.

"Have your mom sign that Mr. Jacobs, also have her schedule a meeting with me. Your behavior is becoming intolerable. Your file is bursting with detentions and suspension papers, one more and you could be looking at expulsion." The man said.

Ryder jerked to a stop and turned to face them man. "Expulsion, we haven't gotten there yet; have we?" He asked, the look on his face looked as if he was mortified, it was like his life was hanging the balance.

The man whom I can only guess is the principle nodded a bit to enthusiastically. "You see Mr. Jacobs, throughout your high school career you've been getting into a lot of trouble. Year after year, you slipped under the radar, but no more. We've caught you and the school board is prepared to expel you."

Ryder frowned and sighed. "Fine, what can I do to stop this."

"For the rest of your senior year you cannot get into any trouble, this means no more fights with teachers or students. You must be present most of the time - how you get good grades when your never in school is beyond me - but, Mr. Jacobs unless you clean up your act, you won't be attending Sherbert any longer."

Silently, Ryder nodded and turned around facing me. His eyes locked on mine for a while and I felt my breath catch in my throat. He smirked and winked at me before walking out of the door. I watched him leave, still staring at the door when the man tapped my shoulder.

"Nikita Caster?" He asked.

I nodded slowly.

"Come with me." He said waving me towards the door.

I hesitated then followed him.

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