‘’Oh, for fucksakes, Bobby the boy is trying to say he wants that too.’’ Damon said annoyed as he comes out of the car they’ve been working on, making Adam and Bobby jumped in shock.

‘’What the hell are you doing in there?’’ Bobby exclaimed glaring at a sheepish Damon.

‘’I’m hiding from Dean, I kind of broke his cellphone.’’ Adam snorts at the confession.

‘’But I realized, getting a punishment from Dean is better than hearing this pathetic conversation.’’ Damon drawls getting out of the car; he was looking around to make sure Dean wasn’t around.

‘’Now, let me play Doctor Phil for you two huh.’’ Damon grinned with a know it all smile.

‘’Bobby, Adam wants what Sam and Dean have with you, he wants to be accepted by you as a son, he wants you to look at him the way you look at Sam and Dean, isn’t that right young Adam.’’ Damon tilts his head towards Adam with a scrutinize look in his blue eyes.

‘’Is he right Adam?’’ Bobby questions Adam.

Adam blushed and didn’t reply, here it comes Adam, he’ll tell you, something like you’re not like his boys and reject you.

‘’Son, I see you that way already, I just didn’t think you wanted that. You always separate yourself from us when we’re in the same room, so I thought you didn’t want to be around a greasy old man who collects junk and is always drinking or talking about demons.’’ Bobby explains he already grown to like Adam, the boy was just like Dean and John; he was a sarcastic, smart son of a bitch. But he had a heart and always kept his pain hidden.

‘’Damn it Adam, just admitted so that I can have something to tell Dean and he won’t be mad at me anymore for the cellphone accident.’’ Damon hurried as he looks around, they all spotted Dean and Sam come out of the house and boy did they look angry.

They stomped their way towards the three men standing around the car, Adam and Bobby were working on.

‘’Yes, it’s true what Damon said, I want you to accept me as one of the Winchester boys, after all I’m one and I planned to stay with them, they also agreed to trained me, and I would like it if you did the training, I want you to teach me all about hunting the supernatural.’’ Adam whispers shutting his eyes, he didn’t want to see the rejection on Bobby’s face, the disgust in his eyes. But what he felt was Bobby’s arms around Adam hugging him, squeezing him, Adam wasn’t sure how or when it happened but he sagged against Bobby’s embrace and let out a sob, he wrapped his arms around Bobby and sobbed like a baby, he felt accepted, he felt like he could have another dad in his life, one that would teach him things, one that would be there for him all the time and not just be a part time dad like John did, not that he could ever blamed John for that, he did it for good reasons even if those reasons sucked.

‘’Why are we hugging, like we’re a bunch of housewives?’’ Dean asks as he comes closer.

‘’I did a good thing Dean, I helped your brother and Bobby get closer.’’ Damon chirps happily.

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