"My name is Sasha Braus from Dauper town, sir!"

Shadis stared blankly, "I asked you a question trainee! What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Eating a potato, Sir. I saw it in the kitchen, and I thought potatoes are always better when they're cooked, so I took it."

"Nope. Still don't get it."

She broke it in half, and handed one half to him. "Here, I'll give you this half."


Later that day

There was a small group of us, stood on the decking outside the mess hall.

"That potato girl's still running laps?"

Connie wondered aloud.

"Well he did say she could skip lunch or run laps until she collapsed.." Another boy said.

He had golden blond hair which hung just below his chin, his fringe falling just above his thick eyebrows. His eyes were blue, and shone like the oceans I'd seen in my book, however they also showed hints of nervousness.

"Sash loves food. She'd rather die tha miss a meal." A voice with a strong, posh accent piped up from the dining hall. We all spun around to see who spoke. There leaning against the doorframe was a girl with blonde-y brown hair that fell in soft curls to her shoulders, and transparent blue eyes. She was quite short.

"Sophia, Sasha's twin sister." She said, waving.

We headed inside to the dining hall and sat down at our individual tables. I quickly ate my small portion of food and went to meet some more of out squad mates.

First we went to see that Jean guy. He had amber eyes and sandy blond hair with an undercut, which have the impression of him having two toned hair.

With him, there was a girl with long sandy blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing an off white shirt. Her name was Grace and she seemed nice.

Sat on the table was a boy with dark hair and lots of freckles dotted over his nose, his name was Marco Bodt.

"Oh my god, Corina? Remember me?" A voice sounded from behind us. Behind us was a girl with brown hair that came to her shoulder blades, and vibrant blue eyes. I looked at her, studyingher carefully, then I blinked and cried, "Leah?! Oh god I missed you so much!"

Leah set the tray down on the table and hugged us both. "Hah, still not cut your hair then?" She said, tugging on my ponytail

When she moved to Jinae, she met Marco, who she's currently dating. We caught up for a while before moving on.

Next we met Reiner Braun, Berthold Fubar and Kaydi Braun. Berthold was 6"3! He practically dwarves me! Reiner and Kaydi are siblings, born a year apart, and they along with Bertholdt came from a village near the Shiganshina district. They were one of the first to get attacked.

Reiner was tall with short blonde hair, Kaydi had long auburn hair pulled into a messy bun, and Berthold had messy brown hair that hung in his face.

A while later, The Potato Girl, now called Sasha(who was now passed out) returned with three other girls, Christa, a short blond haired girl, Ymir, who was tall with freckles and brown hair in a ponytail, and A Nicole, who had black hair and blue eyes.

We had a few hours left before we had to turn in for the night. There were just a few people I had left to meet.

As I neared the table, I recognised that blond boy from earlier. His brunette friend smiled.

The boy who smiled, what struck me about him first was his eyes. They were a bright, vibrant green, greener than mine. He seemed kind, and very determined. His name was Eren. Eren was from Shiganshina, as were his friends, Armin and Mikasa.

Mikasa had pretty black hair that hung just below her shoulderblades. A red scarf was wound around her neck. It looked loved, like she wore it a lot. Her grey eyes looked disinterested at first, but you could see other emotions behind it. She didn't speak much.

Armin, the blond boy, on the other hand, could talk for hours about something he liked. For example, I mentioned my atlas at some point and Armin (and Eren too, occasionally) began talking for hours about the flaming water, the fields of sand, and the mountains that spew molten earth, his blue eyes sparkling the entire time.

I said goodbye to the trio, and went back to find Leah. She was sat at a table with Grace, Sophia, Nicole and Kaydi. She waved me over and patted the seat next to her.

I'd just joined a discussion about 'so why did you join the trainees?'

Sophia joined because she and Sasha needed a change from their hunting village.

Grace and Nicole joined because of family tradition, everyone in their family (save their mothers) had joined the military.

Kaydi didn't want to be the only one not joining. She was friends with Bertholdt, Annie and Reiner was her older brother.

Leah was here because Marco was here, as were Franz and Hannah. They worked well as a team.

"So, Corina, what about you? Why are you here?"

Everyone's gaze fell on me. "Ah, well, my uncle is in the Survey Corps. I also dream about seeing the outside wall."

"You're so brave!"

Sophia squealed from across the table, "D'you think your uncle knows the corporal?!"

"I think he's mentioned him once or twice.."

"Oh my god!" Sophia breathed out.

Suddenly the bell started ringing for us to go to our barracks. The girls and the boys barracks were split up. Leah and Marco hugged quickly before splitting off to the barracks. Grace smacked Jean in the arm, grinning then jogging off to join Nicole, Christa and Ymir. Sophia and Sasha had their arms linked as they walked inside. Kaydi waved to Reiner and Bertholdt, as she followed Annie.

Armin coughs my gaze and waved at me. I waved back, smiling gently in the light of the moon. As he entered the boys barracks I turned on my heel, running after Leah. I wanted to share a bunk with her, seeing as I didn't really know anyone else.

We had our first day of training tomorrow. We'd need all the sleep we could get.

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