The Note-Books

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*Bucky's POV*

I had Re in my hands and she slipped away. She left to go to the bathroom and never came back. After she left Dean got a text and showed it to the others, he glared at me and paid for their drinks and left. Steve and I left too. Steve turned on the radio slipping his hand in mine, a song called Lies, by Jamie B. Dead. It sounded like Re's voice. I listened to it and heard the lyrics. This was about us, The Avengers. Steve and I drove to the Stark Tower. "Ahhhhh the Love Birds came back!" Tony yelled obviously drunk. Re didn't get drunk.

"We saw Re." I said. That sobered him up.

"What did she say."

"Nothing she wouldn't speak to me." I said. Steve grabbed my hand he knew it hurt to talk about it.

"OK." Tony sighed.

"GUYS!" Nat yelled. "I FOUND SOMETHING!" We all ran to the gym that Re hung out in a lot. When we got down stairs there was a pile of note-books. "Guys these are Re's note-books. They have her life story in them." Nat explained.

June 9, 1960

Well, this is my first entry. Mother says that men shouldn't have 'Diaries' this is not one. It is my 17th birthday, I found something scary today, I can control water. Am I a mutant? Am I a freak? What is wrong with me?  I hate being a freak!

James B. Barnes II.


January 11, 1965

I know I haven't written in forever I've been killed like 8 times. I have now controlled  water, land, plants, and fire. HYDRA is testing me so much I keep dying. I now can say I have a diary and not get into trouble, HYDRA has changed me. I am now a woman. I'm also 22 years old I can do as I please. I hope they don't reset me back to being a child, or worse inject me into some poor woman as a fetus. HYDRA can do that now they have done that to a girl that shared a cell with me. This place is killing me! literally and figuratively! Goodbye for now, Mr. Zola is calling me.

Jasmine R. Barnes


June 9 2008

I am 13 today, HYDRA rebooted me for fucks sake! I'M TO OLD FOR THIS SHIT! I've been alive and dying since 1943! Kill me and burn my bones please. I saw a man with long brown hair today, he was very nice. Z told me to stay away from him. It makes me want to tell him I've been alive longer than him but he was born from this woman 1 hour before me so I cant. He knows nothing about me! I love Z but he knows NOTHING! I must go. Alexander wants to speak to me. Wish me luck!

Re Barnes

P.S If you are not me and are reading this please look at the next page, I want you to know if I lived or not! Thanks. :)

June 10 2008

I LIVED! The man I told you about yesterday told me I reminded him of someone. I told him not to tell anyone that or they would kill me, HYDRA doesn't know I remember everything. The man said they called him The Winter Soldier. I asked him if he knew his name, told me he once was called Bucky in a dream. I called him that and he smiled! I've never seen anyone here smile it made me smile, in turn it made Z smile to see me smile, Z still hates Bucky, I like him though. Must go the guards are doing rounds.

Re Barnes

P.S Bucky told me he might convince Al to let me and Z go out, HE WOULD TAKE US! I love him already! Bye.


As I read the first entry in every book labeled 'Screw this shit' I started to cry. I read a note-book called 'How To End Your Life and Not Come Back' 

January 30 2015

You Can't 1 more life to go. I am the Elementress again.

Jamie B. Dead

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