Zelda's Diary #3

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Dear Diary:

I need to get away from the castle, I'm suiting up so I can leave. I have a sword and shield with me, along with some bows and arrows.

Don't worry, I know how to use these items, normally I would let Link be the adventurous one, but this time, I want an adventure of my own. I have to reclaim the triforce of Wisdom.

Day's later

I almost died trying to get away from Gannon, Im battered and bruised from fighting enemie's, now I'm on my way back to the castle with the triforce of Wisdom. I saw Link at some points, though he didn't see me.

I rescued a maiden that Gannon had locked up, her name is Impa.  She is with me now.  Tha's how I got the triforce of Wisdom away from the triforce of Power.

The look on Gannon's face is even more hidious, he has greenish blue skin and a face of a pig, he wore a red shirt with a yellow skull in the middle half way down his shirt, he also wore a red huge red cape around his neck.

The last and most desturbing diary, is that I heard Gannon had Link against his will.  Gannon said "I'll make a shadow of you, that has the strength and courage just like you" and then diary he laughed, this half pig half human laugh.  Wonk, Wonk, Wonk.  Was how I heard it.  Now I must go and sleep, we have one more day, before we reach the castle, Impa has agreed to take the first shift. 

                                                 To be Continued.....

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