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Sometimes life will throw us a curveball
Smashing our face as we stumble and fall.
These curveballs are painful and often leave scars
especially when your lover ends up behind bars.
"How much do I love him?"
You sit alone and wonder
while outside rain pours followed by crashing thunder.
Even if he's close enough to hear the same storm
he isn't close enough to keep you warm in his arms.
Poetry isn't something I often can do.
It happens quite rarely, when an epiphany rings true.
Is perfection something your man must have
in order for you to walk the same path?
Of course you wouldn't choose to love someone with issues,
But you don't have a choice!
Let me get you some tissues.
Our perfect match is never perfect at all.
If he's sexy or handsome.
Whether he's short or he's tall.
Just step back and take an objective point of view.
Sometimes your perspective will be different and new.
I know that anyone who is in this situation
is familiar with the justice system of our fine nation.
There are more people locked up in our prisons; confined
Than in every other country in the world combined!
The average low income American male
has a sadly high chance of landing in jail.
I write this so others who live through this pain
can do so without the added burden of shame.
There are times in our lives when we say fuck it, act stupid
just before an arrow comes flying from cupid.
Now, stuck paying for the things you have done
is that faithful girl whose heart you've just won.
I'm speaking now to the one behind bars.
Straighten up. Cherish and respect her.
She's a gift from the stars.

She's a gift from the stars

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