Adoption Day

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scene: in the car
Joe: omg Caspar today's the day where we adopt this girl emily
Caspar: I know I can't wait to meet her I hope she is not a fussy eater and not a mean stroppy girl
Joe: I think she's not I think she's lovely and kind and helpful because I like girls like that.
Joe: omg were here look over there that's Emily
Emily: hi there I'm Emily and I am a 13 and I'm wanting to be adopted please choose me
Caspar: Joe I think we should adopt her she is so nice and kind
Joe: yes we should adopt her. Hi there we would like to adopt Emily
Adoption lady: ok just sign here and then she's all yours (hands Caspar the form)
Caspar: there you are Emily your now mine and Joe's forever

Emily: ok let me just go and get my stuff ok I'm ready to go
Joe: ok were home
Emily: wow that is a big home
Joe/Caspar: I know we live together and now we have you we can look after you and care for you we have a question to ask you.
Emily: what is it
Joe: are you a fussy eater at all
Emily: no I am not I just don't like oysters
Caspar: Emily you will be sleeping with me whilst your room is being decorated
Emily: wow your room is amazing sorry to be mean but what are your names
Joe: I am Joe Sugg
Caspar: I am Caspar Lee
Emily: ok thanks I just wondered and are you two boyfriend and boyfriend
Joe: no were just really good friends arnt we Caspar
Caspar : yes we are Joe and joe still lives with his family he just nips round to see me and my friends for a while and me and joe are so lucky to have you as our own child did you know that me and joe are famous YouTubers and are you on YouTube
Emily yes I am my name is Emily Cobb I have 91 subscribers so can you help me reach 100 please and Caspar would you be my boyfriend please because no one at school wants to go out with me and I am going to the fair with my friend bailey Proudlock
Caspar: yes you can be my girlfriend

Authors note sorry if I'm not uploading mutch I'm so so busy

Adopted By Joe Sugg And Caspar LeeWhere stories live. Discover now