Chapter 1

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My fingers fly across my laptop's keyboard as I write my email to my best friend. The corners of my mouth are turned up in a smile as type the sentence in all capitals. I glance down at the once folded paper next to the white envelope. My cell phone vibrates next to my leg. I pick it up to read the new message.

'Dad is on his way.' Beatrice texts me.


I press send and shut my laptop closed. I tuck my laptop under my arm before jumping off of my bed. I run to my walk in closest and slide my computer on the first shelf. I head to my bathroom next. I snatch up my black hairdryer set it on low. Warm air blows against my forehead as I move the hair dryer across my head. After a few moments, I unplug it and stuff it under my sink. I grab the papers on my bed and hide them in my underwear draw.

I slide under my covers on my bed just as I hear a faint knock from the other side of my bedroom door. Perfect timing. I bury myself in the blankets and turn my back to my door.

"Sweetheart?" Dad's voice comes from the door.

I close my eyes when my bedroom door creaks open quietly. Dad sighs when he sees me laying in my bed. I keep my eyes shut, pretending that I'm asleep. One side of my bed dips down. Dad runs his hand over my face and pushes a piece of hair out of my face.

"Alex, dear?" Dad whispers.

I make a small noise like I am just waking up. My eyes flutter open as I look up at my dad. He smiles down at me.

"You need to get ready for the brunch." Dad sets his hand in his lap.

I fake yawn and start to sit up. "I don't feel so good." I whisper.

Dad's smile falls from his lips. "You feel a little warm." He places his hand on my forehead. "Why don't you stay home for today? Stay home and rest. It's just a brunch. I'll have your sisters with me."

I stick my bottom lip out as I pout. "Are you sure? I don't want to disappoint grandma."

"She'll understand." Dad stands back up. "Just rest today."

"Okay." I nod, sliding back under my blankets.

Dad bends down and kisses my forehead. "Get better. Love you."

"I love you too."

I watch as dad leaves my room, shutting the door behind him. That was easy. I jump out of my bed and peek out of my curtains. Dad, Beatrice, and Eugenie are walking to the main car. Beatrice looks up at my window and smirks. I step back from the window in case dad glances up here. They were the last three to leave the house for the brunch. Now it's just me and the workers here.

I walk back into my closest. This closest is about half the size of my room. My room is pretty big, too. I head to the back of my closest to the very last draw. I change into a pair of black sweatpants and a red oversized sweater. I slide my feet into a pair of black slippers.

I drop my phone in my pocket and sneak out of my room. The long hallway is completely empty. As long as I don't run into Anne, the head housekeeper, I will be okay. She doesn't mind telling my dad that I was running around the house. Or should I say mansion.

I walk down the long hallway to the middle of the house. This place is eerie quiet when you are home alone. At least I don't have to worry about someone breaking in. We have so many guards surrounding this place. I learned that the hard way when I was thirteen. One of my favorite bands were playing at the O2 and I decided I was going to see them.

I had attempted the Rapunzel technique except I didn't throw my hair out of the window. I threw a rope. One of the gardeners gave it to me because I told him I was going to practice my braiding skills. So, I threw the rope out of my four story window. It was really high up, but I wanted to see this band. Nothing was going to stop me. I never realized that a guard stands under my window for his nighttime position. The rope ended up hitting the top of his hat. When I was swinging my leg out the window, a bright spotlight was on me and the guards were yelling at me to get back in my room.

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