✎ Chapter 1

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✎ Chapter 1

"REI" Kris shouted my name as I searched for him in the
crowd of people. As I spotted him, I pushed my way
through the crowd towards him.

"Kris, it's been long,how have u been?" I said as I hugged
him and he hugged me back.

It's been 5 years since I came back to Korea.The time when my
mom and dad died,Kris was the only one to be there for me.At
that time I was 15 and Kris was 18.He was the only family I had
and still is the only family I have.
I was sent to the boarding school by my aunt and uncle in Busan
because they could not take care of me.Now i'm back in Seoul after
5 long years and the first person which I wanted to see is right here
infront of me.

"I missed you so much Rei".Kris said as he pulled back from the hug.

"I missed you too.Look at you you've turned into an acceptional guy".
I said in a teasing tone as he raised his brows. "What do you mean by
acceptional huh? I was handsome and am as always.You're just jealous of my beauty"

I nudged his head playfully as he carried my bag out of the airport
towards the car. "So heard you got alot of interviews here huh? And
I think one of them is in the Company where I work.Isn't it?"

Kris said as he put the bags in the trunk and opened the door to the driving's seat.I thought for a while about the Companies in which I will be having interviews.And yes one of the Company were where Kris worked.I think it's the 'P.C' Company he's talking about.

"Oh you mean the P.C Company? I think it's tomorrow.But I have no idea what i'm interviewing for because the letter that they sent me did not say anything about the kind of job.This is hopeless.What if I don't get any job? What am I going to do Kris".

I said as we were on our way to Kris's apartment. "Pabo!! Why are you freaking out? It's just an interview, what could go wrong huh? Just answer what they are saying and everyone's cool, no worries".

I heaved a sigh as we were nearing the apartment.On the way to his apartment we talked about ourselves and how our life has been for the past 5 years.
Kris told me that he had a girlfriend but she cheated on him and they had to brakeup.But Kris was happy about it because he said that he has been waiting for a girl for soo long to confess to her.I told him to tell me who she is but he refused to.He said when the time comes i'll be the first one to know.

The car stopped near a really nice building as I went out of the car.
Kris carried the bag for me as he led me to the elevator.The sound of
the elevator echoed the hall way as we stepped out of it and towards
his apartment.He opened the door for me as I stepped in and the familiar scent was the first thing that welcomed me.After a long long time I really felt at home.

"It's good to be back"I said as small smile was plastered on my face.Kris looked at me and smiled

"Hey,why don't you go freshen up a bit while I make something
for us to eat.Your room's right next to mine.Now go"

I smiled once again as I went to the room to freshen up myself.
As I stepped out of the bathroom,the smell of something really delicious greeted me.I dried myself up and put on some short
shots and a white top with a brown sweater on top.


I went into the kitchen and sat on the chair near the counter.
Kris was busy tossing some salad into the bowl while 2 plates
were settled on the counter with some steak in it.

"Well well,how did you manage to cook all this.Last time I checked,
you could cook without burning the whole place down" I laughed a little
as Kris showed his tongue to me.

"Well I learned it from a friend.He is a great cook.He works in
the same Company as me.You should be thankful missy that i'm not giving you burned food".

We talked as we ate and he told me that if I will be joining the
Company he's working in I would be really lucky because it is the
best Company in Korea.I just wish that I would get a decent job with
a decent pay.Just don't wanna be a burden on Kris for long.I just have
to find the job as soon as possible and i'll never be a burden on him.I
just hope I get accepted tomorrow.
It was getting late now so Kris told me to get some rest because I
had an interview tomorrow.

As I went into my room my phone started to vibrate. I picked it up as I greeted the person on the other side.


"Hi i'm Tiffany calling from P.C company.May I speak to Miss Kim?"

"Yes, this is Kim Rie."

"Miss Rie your interview has been cancelled for tomorrow"

"WHAT!!?! But what did I do?"

"Miss please stay calm because your interview has been scheduled
for Wednesday.Which means the day after tomorrow."

"Oh! But why is that so?"

"Miss Kim, there is a huge welcome party for the new CEO.You'll
be having your interview with the new CEO."

"Okay Miss Tiffany,Thank you for informing me about this"

"Your Welcome"

That was the last thing I heard from her.Well that means no
interview tomorrow.What am I supposed to do now.

Oh! I think I should tell Kris about this.I went out of my room and knocked on Kris's door.
"Come in"

I opened the door just to stop in my tracks as I saw Kris only
in his boxers.I hurriedly covered my eyes as I shouted at him.

"Kris your- HOLY HELL!!! Yah!! What do you think you're doing?!
Trying to get me blind"I heard him chuckle.

"It's not like it's your first time seeing me like this.Stop acting
like that. By the way what brings you here?"

"Well I was gonna tell you that my interview got delayed till Wednesday which means I don't have anything to do tomorrow"

I told him still covering my eyes.
"Oh and you didn't tell me that the company you work in is gonna have a new CEO.I heard the employees are giving a welcome party or something"

"Oh yeah! I forgot that.But if you don't have anything to do,how about we go clubbing with some friends of mine."

Kris said as he sat on his bed and patted the side of the bed for me to sit.

I looked at him forgetting the fact that he was half naked.

"Really?! But what if your friends won't like me with them?"

"Oh please! Those guys won't lose a chance to have a sexy girl around them."

I raised my brows with a grin plastered on my face

" OH! So you think i'm sexy."
I swear I saw a hint of pink on Kris's cheeks but he made a puking
expression to tell me to shutup. I pouted on that as he laughed at me.

"Soo it's settled then, we are going clubbing."
He said as he stretched his arms and I stood up as I walked towards the door.

"okay then, i'll go with you. GOODNIGHT Krissy"
I used to call him krissy when we were little and he loved that.
As I was going out of the room I got a glimpse of Kris smiling like crazy.
Oh yeah! He still loves that name.
I went to change into my pajamas as I was going to sleep.
I lay on my bed as I thought about the new CEO.What if he's really mean?

What if he would not accept me for the job? Oh God!! Please help me!
I really need this job.
The last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep was pleading
to God that I get this job.

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