The most akward

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Satsuki's Pov

This was the most akward thing in my life. I had a mansion, five bathrooms, seven bedrooms, a large kitchen and a living room, etc. Why and how did they get to my room?! I had an Iron Bulletproof door that had a password on it!

I got up and looked at the password, it was crushed. My lawn has been dug up. Someone used my tractor. My swimming pool was dirty and the living room was totally ruined. My room was filled with booze. Did I really drink booze in there?

I sighed and said, "Yuno wat? I'm gonna call the cops." Then it got more akward. Mei heard this and gave me the 'Don't-you-dare' face and attempted to grab my phone. Everyone did the same and I ended up being trampled on.

I went deathly pale and softly said, "Worst.mornin.evah."


Peacefully sipping coffee, guys being so loud it irritated me. My eyebrow twitched in anger and I yelled, "I AM TOTALLY GUNNA CALL THE COPS!!!" They all shut up and eat their breakfast.

My face, was red with anger. I banged my hand at the table and knocked over my half-drunk latte.

Never mind, I thought. Why are they in my house? They were the noisiest bunch ever. I watched some anime on the television. I was having a good time, until....people crammed on the sofa and watched with me.

Later, I dipped myself on the warm water of the jacuzzi tub. Just then, girls burst in the room. I felt as if I was struck down by lightning, so I wrapped myself with my towel and went outside, I knocked over a boy at the door. They were eavesdropping. What else could go wrong now? I thought.

Later at lunch time, I felt as if I was swept over by a typhoon. The busy chatters got louder and louder!!!

"DANGGITT!!!" I burned the table with my flame thrower. The food was neatly heated. Now they all ate.

By the afternoon I was reading manga, and my library was filled with chatter about the book they're reading. My face boiled red and steamed in anger as if I could roast a chicken. I longed for silence. I roared, "U GUYS SHUDDAP OR I CALL THE COPS!!" My voice echoed throughout the library, louder than their irritating chatter. I collapsed and my eyelides start to close.

Later I was at my bedroom, I collapsed because of stress. There wasn't a single meal to eat. So I skipped and went to bed instead. I stayed up late because of the voices at other rooms. I didn't sleep, and the next day might be another disaster.

...................Author's Note................

Hey guys!

If you are reading this, then you are in good news!!

Otaku Lifu Lite is the best story to read about Otakus. And, don't ask me why they stayed in Satsuki's house. That's only to create the worst thing in the saga.

Thank you very much for reading these two short chapters. I am so glad! Continue reading this and leave a like, read other stories, and follow OtakuDearest! We will be sure to update everyday for your entertainment and pleasure.

If you don't like this story, be sure never to read any book of mine!

Until again,
Satsuki Nakamura AKA OtakuDearest <3

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