LCD's See Me Please

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You gave up trying to sleep after about 10 seconds of darkness. You're exhausted, yeah, you know, but you're still far too awake. You contemplate turning the TV and PS3 on, just to catch up on more JoJo's Bizzare Adventure. But that wouldn't be fair to your cousin, since he's trying to catch some z's. Not to mention that you're supposed to be binging JoJo together. Yet. And, yet... The TV. It beckons. You stare at its shiny, black surface. It's a Seiki flatscreen TV. Not as big as yours back home, but still pretty big. The PS3 is on the right of it, with your two white Wiimotes and Nunchuks inbetween. To the left of the TV is his black Wii mini. Damn thing doesn't even have GameCube ports, unlike your white Wii at home. You think of a funny, but politically incorrect joke. What? We want you to share it? Pff... nah. You're too tired to flesh it out into words for other people to understand. The small shreds of the joke floating in your head are enough to amuse you, and, quite frankly, you couldn't care any less about what we want. Your reflection stares back at you from the TV. He blinks. He blinks again. This fucker is just taunting you. And you're totally taking the bait. Challenging yourself to a staring contest, you feel your stomach growl slightly. Your cousin stirs in the bed next to you. You're tempted to speak,but you decide against it; talking is too heavy a task for you in your current mental state. Aha! He blinked. Wait. Damn, so did you. Wow, this guy is good. Glaring at the TV, you nod in recognition of your formidable adversary. Until you meet again, you think. You look at the ceiling fan again, and quickly avert your attention to the window.

You're really hungry.

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