Project 'Killswitch-Ectomies"

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The Nazi scientists proposed that the brain has a "Universal Killswitch" that activates as soon as the brain has fully developed. In all normal humans, this killswitch will initiate a shutdown sequence in bodily functions, which occurs over several decades. As soon as the body is fully shut down, the brain will be forced to die through lack of oxygenated blood.

It is said that Werners Syndrome (a disease where a person ages rapidly) is a result of the Killswitch function activating far too early.

The Nazi's proposed that they could remove the killswitch, and give the human mind immortality. And from that, complete immortality. Needless to say, brain surgery was incredibly difficult during those times, but it was possible. In the stacks of folders there were many different diagrams and past research on the brain, psychology, the human mind and the like.

(source: creepypasta )


deep in the forest,somewhere in hiroshima, the nazi scientists went there and found an orphanage wherein,they used the children as test subjects.

upon testing, and testing other orphans, they have found out that the killswitch isnt located anywhere in the brain, but in the cerebellum. 

after finding that out, the scientists took the tallest orphan and sucesfully found the killswitch and removed it.

but after the experiment was done, they have found out that the girl had expired...

her body was dumped behind the orphanage.

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