"James" I was in shock. He actually found me.

"Hey, sis, ya miss me" James embraced me in a hug. I froze. I still hadn't gotten used to that kind of contact.

"Why are you here. I thought I told you to stay in New York" I said.

"I tracked you. Will, you should really come home" James stated.

"No, my home is here now" I said.

"Answer me this, why exactly did I go to a police station to find you" he asked.

"Because I'm a cop" I replied.

"How did you manage to become a cop" James asked.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"Seriously, how'd you pass the physical and the background checks".

"I called in a few favors from SHIELD".

He just started at me.

"Look, my health is just fine and you shouldn't be here".

James brushed past me to sit down. "Well, I'm here, so you have to accept that" he said "why did that guy call you Cap".

"Because I'm a police captain, and I was ranked Captain in the army for a few years".

"So you're Captain Rogers, like dad was in World War Two".

I nodded. "I guess I'm preserving the family legacy".

"I guess so. I know that I didn't even try to keep the family legacy. I became a doctor. After taking care of you so often, I got a knack for healing people" he stated.

"A doctor, really, even after what Hydra did to us" I asked, sitting down across from him.

"Hydra only did that to you".

"Oh, I completely forgot that you were living like a prince nine years ago" I retorted "how's dad".

"He's fine, you know he misses you" James said quietly "when I told him why I was leaving, he wanted to come with me".

"You told him about this" I asked, my blood boiling.

"I had to, Will".

"Have he and Tony worked their issues out yet".


"Then it's probably best that he didn't come".

"Is that why you left" James asked.

"You remember how dad and Tony always fought over my safety, right" he nodded "well, I couldn't stand it anymore, and then the war started, and I decided that it was time to leave".

"Are you still mad at me".

"James, you chose Tony's side. I can't ever forget what that did to me, and I won't ever be able to forgive you for that" I answered.

"I don't think that this will help, but I'm sorry" James said.

"How's Peter's team" I asked to change the subject.

"They're fine, I think" he said "Sam and Ava left, and Danny and Luke started their heroes for hire business, so they seem to be doing well".

"Okay, good" I said.

"So you got a boyfriend or a husband because you have too many weapons on display for them to be yours" he looked around the room "and is that dad's shield".

"Nope those are all my weapons, and yes, that's Steve's shield. Tony gave it to me a few years ago. He wanted me to be Captain America".

"He didn't ask me, and I lived with him" James whined.

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