Movies turn into netflix

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I woke up the next morning crying, balling actually. I guess I woke Zoey up because she came over and gave me a hug. I had a nightmare.... Again, about my parents. I used to always have these dreams but now they only happen occasionally, try are either about my ex or my parents...

"It's ok, it's just a dream." Zoey cooed. She knew I had a bad dream because I would constantly wake up and cry for hours when I lived with her. It always happened.

A couple hours went by and I was better so we decided to look up the nearest Starbucks because we had absolutely no clue where we were. We found this place called Dundrum. It was about a 15 minute walk from where I lived so I figured we would walk.... I mean I needed the exercise.
"Imma take a shower Zoey" I yelled to her and jumped onto the shower. I got out about 5 minutes later and threw on a burgundy sweater-shirt thing, light washed skinny jeans, brown boots, some sunglasses, and a cute necklace. I waited as Zoey took her sweet time in the shower, and by sweet time I mean she took an hour.... Fun. By the time she got out of the shower and got ready, it was noon so we decided to go get McDonalds , we were still going go Dundrum.

We were at McDonalds when I heard 6 very familiar voices, I thought it was hometown but I couldn't see them, I could only hear them and I didn't want to point out 6 random guys that I didn't know. Since I got there numbers I decided to put us all in a group chat.

( initials for people, D= Dean  DC= Dayl)

K: hey r u guys by any chance at McDonald's in dundrum?

J: yup! Y?

B: ^^^^

K: walk towards the bathrooms.....

DC:why? I don't need the bathroom...

K: just trust me Dayl.....

D: why should we? We've only met you yesterday😂😂

Z: ya but why would we text you if we weren't in McDonalds too?🤔

R: I don't know.... U could be tricking us😐😐

K: nope! We're here😂 just get ur arses over here please😢😢😂😂

Just then I saw 6lads turning the corner and Dayl jumped on me.....that wasn't comfortable.

"Hellooooo" Dayl yelled in his slime voice whilst on my lap."Hey weirdo, now get off of my legs, I can't feel them." I laughed. I looked up and greeted the boys with a hug and so did Zoey. Even though I've only known these lads for a day, I feel like I've known them forever.... I really liked Brendan, he is so shy but so genuine at the same time. Ugh who am I kidding he's to good for me, and I literally just met him so ya...

"So why are you's here?" Brendan asked. "Well the same reason you are.... We're hungry!" I replied as he laughed and blushed at his stupid question.

"Awwww Katie you made Bren blush," Cian laughed. At this point Bren and I were both blushing. "Shut it Morrin," I playfully shot back. Again I've only know these lads for a day but I swear I've known them forever. 

Just then I was pulled to the side by someone. I'm not going to lie, it did give me a fright until I noticed it was Brendan.

"Yesssss?" I giggled because he took me by surprise. He looked serious for a se one but then he laughed a bit. "Sorry about that, but I wanted to ask you a question." He replied. God he was so shy but I loved it.

•Brendan's POV•

I really liked Katie, I know I've only known her for a day but that was the best day of  my life. She is so funny and nice and I want to ask her on a date to the cinema.

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