Chapter One - Regretful Endulgement

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This is a Sword Art Online Fanfiction about Sinon and Kirito
Mature Content
And may get you horny.

Shino shuddered, feeling the fear from having the teen she had called a friend, Shinkawa Kyouji, threaten to kill her with that cold steel syringe that had been pressed against her side. The mad look in his dilapidated eyes as his free hand roamed under her shirt and groped against her naked flesh, making her skin crawl. His breath was hot as he called out her name repeatedly, splattering saliva on her face with each word spoken. She had already taken a shower, trying her best to remove the horrible feeling of his hands and disgusting breath, but even now she could still feel it, like a lingering sensation of walking through cobwebs.

From under her thick comforter, Shino started to curl in on herself, feeling her body start to tremble at the memory, but as soon as it came she was able to calm herself by the sight of her protector Kazuto, or as she knew him better as, Kirito. He was sitting still in her desk's computer chair, which he rolled up against her bed in her small studio apartment. He'd removed his jacket and had his arms crossed, his eyes closed and his breathing light.

She studied him with the faintest blush, he was a bit blurry, as she had her glasses removed, but even still she could see how handsome he was. In game his avatar could easily be mistaken for a girl with how feminine it was, but in real life his features were unmistakably masculine and handsome.

She could still remember the events of the previous hours, how when she was ready to fight helplessly against her assailant, and had even managed to inflict some damage before being dragged back to Kyouji's terrible clutches, Kazuto appeared. It had happened far too quick for her to realize what had happened at first, but one moment she was staring into the face of her death, and the next she saw a flash of black cloth, before sounds of a fight started.

Kazuto was able to overpower her attacker with ease, which she watched almost breathlessly at the sight. It had taken a moment for her to recognize him, but when she had, it was with a blush. After their time together in GGO, she would be lying if she said she wasn't attracted to him. Whenever she watched him, her heart beat would flutter and she would find it hard to concentrate. And seeing him charge straight into Kyouji, pummeling him into the ground caused strange feelings to surge within her.

After Kazuto subdued Kyouji, she called the police and the matter with Kyouji was soon resolved. As the excitement faded and the last of the police car engines faded into the night, Kazuto and she stood in her tiny studio apartment, their gazes darting away when they threatened to meet, as their meeting had been sudden and unexpected for them, and as such they hadn't thought of what to say to each other.

It didn't help any that she was still feeling flustered from her previous encounter, either, causing an almost palpable air of uneasiness to float between them. Finally, Kazuto had broken the silence, with a small nervous cough and he scratched his head and said that he should get going, that someone was waiting for him.

At that moment, Shino understood what she wanted. Her breath hitched in her throat as the thought of being alone startled her into action, turning emotion into words before her mind had a chance to better prepare them. "Please, don't go! Stay with me tonight!" She had yelled out, surprising them both.

As she saw the flushed face of her savior, she ran through her head the implications of what she said and it caused her to almost burn red. After a flustered and botched stuttering explanation of what she had meant exactly, she was stopped by a gentle pat on the top of her head. She looked past the jacketed arm to see Kazuto smiling at her, his strong eyes projecting his understanding. "Let me make a phone call, okay?"

She nodded, relishing in the small yet profound effect the contact had on her. As he withdrew into the hallway, pulling out his phone, Shino turned away and held her hands to her face, her glasses almost fogging from the heat she was producing. She couldn't make out the words he was saying, but she guessed that he had called his parents. When he walked back into the room, he was removing his jacket, and informed her that he would stay.

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