Chapter 29: Quidditch Final

Start from the beginning

"The goes the unstoppable duo! Scoring a goal within the first minute again."

"Man those two are unstoppable." 

-time skip- 

"We are 20 minuets in and the score is Gryffindor 50 and Slytherin is 130. Both Blaise Zabini and Harry Potter have spotted the snitch." 

I saw Blaise was racing Harry for the snitch and I knew the game was coming to an end. Draco passed me the quaffle and I faked Wood to go to the wrong goal and scored through the middle hoop. 

"Another 10 points to Slytherin! All thanks to the duo of Draco and (y/n)!" 

I was celebrating my goal when I notice that a Bludger had hit Blaise's broom taking him out of the game. I heard Marcus yell

"(y/n)! Zabini is out you play seeker now! Malfoy and I can handle chaser! Go!" 

I nodded my head and started after Harry. 

"Oh looks like (y/n) has switched her role to seeker due to Blaise Zabini broom being hit by a bludger! It is a classic battle between siblings! Who will get the snitch first Harry or (y/n)!" 

At this point I could hear everyone cheering for either Harry or Me. I ignored all the spectators and caught up to Harry. 

"Sorry Harry but I'll be catching that snitch." 

"Not this time (y/n)!" 

Both Harry and I were neck and neck following the golden snitch. We were flying all around the stadium. The crowed was cheering the entire game seemed to have stopped to watch Harry and I battle for the snitch. The snitch then flew straight up into a cloud. Harry and I followed the snitch. Harry got out of the cloud first and I was right behind him until I saw that a dementor was right in front of Harry. I then saw Harry fall off his broom straight down. 

"HARRY!" I yelled and quickly flew down through the cloud again. Everyone could see that Harry was falling. People screamed thinking Harry was going to fall to his death. 

I quickly flew trying to catch up to Harry. I was reaching as far as I could to try and grab Harry's arm. I knew that I wouldn't reach him in time if I was still on my broom so I did something completely stupid. I jumped off my broom. I was able to fall fast enough to grab Harry into a tight hug. I quickly closed my eyes waiting to hit the ground. I waited for a couple of second when I noticed that I didn't hit the ground. I slowly opened my eyes and I saw that everyone was looking at Harry and I with shocked expressions. I then looked up and I saw that Draco was holding onto my robe with both his arms. Along with Draco, Marcus was holding onto Draco to stop him from falling. 

Draco and Marcus had saved Harry and I from dying. Draco slowly flew both Harry and I to the ground. Everyone was still in shock. 


I could see that he was on the verge of crying. 

"I'm sorry Draco but when I saw Harry fell of his broom and I knew that I wouldn't be able to get to him without jumping off my broom I just reacted." 

"DON'T EVER SCARE ME LIKE THAT EVER AGAIN... Please (y/n). I don't want to lose you." Draco said the last part in a whisper so that only I could hear him. He was crying now and hugging me tightly. 

I was shocked. Next thing I knew I heard clapping from all around the stadium. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. I almost just sacrificed my life in order to save Harry's. 

-3rd person pov- 

Harry was coming back around when he saw that he was on the ground.

"Wh-what happened?" 

By this time Ron and Hermione were next to Harry. 

"You fell off your broom mate. (y/n) and Malfoy over there saved your life. Hell (y/n) even jumped off her bloody broom and was going to cushion your fall with her own body. That was until Malfoy caught (y/n) by the back of her robe and saved both of you."  Ron said. 

Harry was just shocked to hear not only did you almost sacrifice your life for his but that Malfoy of all people saved his life. 

Harry looked at you and Malfoy, you were still hugging each other. 

"(y/n) swear to me that you will never do something like that again." Draco said now holding you a little bit away so he can look at your face. 

You looked right at Draco and said

"I swear." 

Draco then nodded his head at you and pulled you into another hug. Harry walked up to the both of you. 

"Malfoy...(y/n).. I...I want to say thank you for saving my life....But I don't think thank you is enough. both saved my life." 

Draco just ignored Harry and kept hugging you. Harry understood that you two were comforting each other after this whole ordeal and walked away towards a huge crowd of people asking him if he was okay. 

The professor then escorted you, Draco and Harry to the infirmary to make sure you all were okay. 

"Wow I can't believe that (y/n) was willing to sacrifice her self for her brother." 

"Yeah but I also can't believe that Malfoy was able to save them both." 

Unnoticed by everyone else Dumbledore watched you leave with Draco and Harry. 


and I am going to end it there. What do you guys think? I know that I have made the reader seem to hate Harry but I don't think you would hate him enough to let him die. Sorry that I almost killed you but your knight in shinning armor Draco saved the day! Anyways until next time. 

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