Chapter Seven

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"Most definitely not.I fake gagged into my hand.

"You're so ladylike, cupcake." Raven winked at me, and I resisted the urge to barf for real.

Today had started off fairly normal, considering I arrived at school with a new student in the driver's seat, pulling up in a black as midnight Honda Civic. 

We got a few stares as we got out- well, Raven did. People glanced at me for a second and gawked that a loser like me could be seen with an attractive guy like Raven. Despite how peeved I was at the way Raven absorbed the attention like a cat in heat, I stamped into the hallway, not bothering to shield my face as I normally did.

"New girl!" Someone yelled, tapping my shoulder. 

I turned around, confused as to why someone would disturb me. 

The guy who tapped me stood broodingly, a football player, with, surprisingly enough, Gabriel standing next to him. I had almost forgotten about him since detention last week. The guy smirked before whispering something in Gabriel's ear, assessing me up and down, the guy's eyes lingering on my chest and legs. I rolled my eyes and continued the short trek to my locker. The only hint that the two were following me still was their loud feet, stamping noisily along the cerulean colored floor. I reached my locker, banging it open loudly as the guy leaned against the locker next to mine, leaving Gabriel awkwardly standing next to him. 

"Yes?" I grumbled. If I was late to class because of these oafs...

The guy shrugged his shoulders.

"I figured since you're a new student, you would need some help getting around. By the way, I'm Derek. This is-"

"Gabriel. I know, we've met." I deadpanned.

"How did you-" 

Cutting him off again, I spoke. 

"I'm not a new student, retard. Maybe whatever sport you play knocked some brain cells out of you." I smiled, but it was sadistic and fake. The first bell rang, the second one would go off in four minutes and it was on the other side of the building.

"That's my call. Sayonara, assholes!" With that, I took off running down the hall, flipping them both off as I went. I had no idea where I suddenly got this boldness from.

Maybe it was my imagination, but I swear I could hear Gabriel's rich, deep laugh bouncing off the walls as I ran.


Author's Note:

I am so so so SO sorry for the late update. I've been trying really hard, but I had a hard time transitioning into the flashback. 

Fun fact; I don't proofread my stories. I write, publish, and pray. Mistakes are gonna happen, that's what editors are for. Sadly, I don't have time for an editor to read through my entire story and reply back to me before I upload, so it's going to stay unedited FOR ETERNITYYY.

lenivyy chelovek - lazy girl, I believe. I wrote this part like five weeks ago x)

And now, what you all've been waiting for, and I seriously pondered not doing because I'm a lenivyy chelovek... drumroll, please. *drumroll*


What is up with Kristen and her smiley face cup? Like, seriously. Can anyone say obsessionada? 

It's her only friend. What isn't included in the story, are her long, heart-wrenching confessions to the smiley face cup. No matter what she tells him, he always keeps smiling. Even when she dropped Mr. Smiley Bowl, his closest relative (and brother), he kept on smiling. How freakin' adorbs.

How does the amazingly amazing and awesome and perfect and fabulous author come up with those Russian words?

She is extremely talented. Your author was fluent in 192 different languages by the age of five, and had mastered 362 languages by twelve. Be proud to read the words she creates.

What's up with Kristen's newfound sense of sociability?

Okay, first of all, is sociability even a word? And, secondly, she obviously recieved this from the Almighty Smiley Face Dishware God, or ASFDG for short. The Almighty Smiley Face Dishware God, since smiley face dishes are obviously the best at communication, is in control of all social interactions including Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr. However, the Almighty Smiley Face Dishware God takes no credit for MySpace because, let's face it, the only people that use that anymore are from the year it came out, 1892. 


In all seriousness, none of these answers and / or questions are meant to offend anyone. If they do, I'm sorry and deeply apologize. Also, my word count has to be at least one thousand five hundred eighty four words so I'm kind of dragging along right now because I only had one thousand five hundred thirty four.

New Thing/Contest: Come up with your own answers for my questions. I will pick the ones either funniest or closest to the right answer and dedicate a chapter of one of my works to you. I will also check out some of your work. If you want, instead of a dedication, I will critique or give you advice on one work of your choice. It's a good deal, people! Oh, and your answers will be featured in the following chapter.

I don't know when I'll get the next chapter done, but I'm planning on making it at least 2000 words in the actual story part, not 500 words worth of author's note like I'm probably doing now x)

Word count: 1662

I love you all. Bye.


The After School Secret {ON HIATUS}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang