Chapter One

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Note: Please contact me and tell me if i need to change anything. I hope you enjoy my lil series. Tell me if you like it please. Thank you so much. Continue reading

There was a small house, about three bedrooms, one bath. It had a big green backyard with a colorful flower garden. A young brunette girl walked out in her pretty knee-high white dress. She started admiring the pretty roses that her mother grew. She smelled them and tried to pick one out of the bush, she winced as she tried and pulled her hand back. She looked at her finger and saw that blood had started to drip from the pricked finger. She gasped lightly and looked over as she heard her name being called

"Shianne!" She heard her mother call from inside. She walked inside to smell the fresh butter of the biscuits that were being made. Shianne breathed in to smell them. She really loved using her senses. Especially her vision. It was special to her, she could see things that nobody else can see. The future.

"Shi? Would you like one?" She asked in an ever so sweet tone

"Yes please" Shianne smiled sweetly as she replied. Her mother pulled out the fresh biscuits. Shi went and grabbed a plate to get her serving. Her mother served her a biscuit with some butter on the side. Shianne smiled and ate real quickly "Mother?"

"Yes darling?"

"May i play in the garden?" Shianne asked with a big grin and her mother smiled back giving her a nod.

"Yay thank you mother I'll be back before sunset" She almost cried out and she ran outside.

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