Part 2

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*Ella's POV*

Sunday, 26th of May, 2012


"Hang on... I've nearly got it..." I gritted my teeth, reaching right through the bramble bushes to get the frisbee. The thorns tore slightly into my bare skin at the top of my arm but I didn't really feel it. I reached just a little bit more into the bush. I winced, feeling the pain now as a thorn went deeper into my arm.

"Are you okay Ella?" Kay asked, watching my pained, concentrating face.

"Yeah I'm fine," I grabbed the plastic frisbee. "I've got it now anyway." I grinned.

"But you've got cuts on your arm." She pointed out.

"I know but it doesn't hurt." I smiled. It didn't hurt. It was only a couple of small cuts from the brambles. I handed her the frisbee.

"You're so brave." She looked up at me in awe. "I'll kiss it better because that's what you do to me and it makes it better." She kissed my arm gently.

"Thank you Kay. It's much better now." I smiled.

"C'mon! I wanna play again!" She giggled and ran off. I laughed and followed her.

We played for a while and I wasn't paying much attention. I threw the frisbee and it hit someone on the head.

"Shit!" I cursed and ran over to the person I'd hit. I didn't know if it was a man or a woman because they had their hood up and dark shades on, but it was kinda creepy.

"I am so sorry! I didn't see you and I wasn't paying attention and..." The person was still clutching their head and hiding their face. "Do you need some help?"

The person took their glasses off and looked up at me. It was the woman from the shop a phew days ago.

"No, I'm fine. It was an accident. No harm done." She smiled reassuringly. Kay came running up to us.

"Oh hello funny lady." She grinned. I giggled at what Kay had nicknamed her and so did the 'funny lady'.

"Hello." She smiled.

"Are you sure you're okay?" I double checked.

"I'm completely fine. Thank you." She assured me. She handed me my frisbee.

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" Kay asked. I giggled, Kay is so sweet. I answered before the 'funny lady' could.

"I'm sure it's fine Kay. How about we go and play again yeah?" I gave her the frisbee.

"Can we go to the playground?" She asked.

"Yeah okay." I smiled. She grinned. I turned to the 'funny lady' to find that she was already watching me. Her sparkling green eyes stared into mine and she had a strange look on her face. She smiled at me. Maybe this woman WAS a 'funny lady'...

"Well I'm really sorry about hitting you in the head." I told her again.

"It's alright." She smiled.

"Okay, well, see you." I said.

"Bye." She answered politely.

I went to Kay who was already on her way to the playground.

"I like her." She grabbed hold of my hand and skipped alongside me. "She's nice and funny "

"It's nice to like people Kay but just be careful yeah? She's still a stranger remember." I warned her.

"Yeah, I know." She answered. "But sometimes I just like to pretend I have a mum." She added quietly, almost as though she was talking to herself.

As soon as she said this I felt my breath catch and a lump form in my throat. It hurt me but I tried not to show it. Instead, I stopped and crouched down in front of her.

"You don't need a mum Kay. You're a big girl now. I'll be there for you whenever you need it yeah? I can do anything a mum can do, you just have to tell me what it is." She whispered. Her eyes glistened but she put on a brave smile and nodded. She was a good girl. I am so blessed to have her at my side. My little soldier. I need her just as much as she needs me, she's been my rock my whole life. She's so brave, just like me, and just like our mum. I am thankful everyday that she didn't get much from dad and neither did I.

I kissed her head and took her hand again as we began to walk across the green towards the playground.

*Jessie's POV*

Sunday, 26th of May, 2012


I decided to do it more often - the going out and being normal thing.

If I put on my hood and sunglasses, surprisingly no one recognises me. No one has yet anyway.

It was quite a nice day today. For spring that is. It was a little bit chilly but I wasn't complaining because the sun was bright and the sky was blue. It was the perfect day for a walk in the park.

OUCH what the fuck was that?!

My hand instantly went to my head which had obviously been hit by something. I looked at the ground and saw a red frisbee lying in front of me. So that's what was causing my head to throb.

I saw someone running towards me so I pulled my hood a little lower to shade my face. I didn't want to be recognised.

"I am so sorry! I didn't see you and I wasn't paying attention and... Do you need some help?" A familiar voice asked me. I looked up to see the girl from the bus stood in front of me. The complicated girl. I took off my glasses and smiled at her.

"No, I'm fine. It was an accident. No harm done." I reassured her.

Her sister Kay came running towards up and grinned when she saw me.

"Hello funny lady." She greeted me. I giggled at the cute nickname she'd given me and picked up the frisbee from the floor.

"Hello." I grinned back.

"Are you sure you're okay?" The complicated girl asked again.

"I'm completely fine. Thank you." I assured her and handed her the frisbee.

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" Kay smiled. She's really cute and you can tell that this girl has a strong foundation of lovely people teaching her manners and common curtesy.

"No I'm sure it's fine Kay. How about we go and play again yeah?" The complicated girl asked Kay.

"Can we go to the playground?" She looked up hopefully.

"Yeah okay." The complicated girl smiled and Kay ran off.

I looked at the complicated girl as she watched Kay running away.

There is definitely something strange about this girl, I just can't put my finger on it...

She turned her head towards me and her deep blue eyes caught mine. They looked like they'd known years and years of life. Much more than she had obviously lived but they were missing something. You could tell that she wasn't all there, like there was a missing piece to her that she hadn't found yet.

I smiled politely at her, suddenly realising I had been staring.

"Well I'm really sorry about hitting you in the head." She told me again.

"It's alright." I smiled.

"Okay, well, see you." She said.

"Bye." I replied and she went to catch up with Kay.

I watched her as they walked hand in hand. I couldn't help but smile. They were both really sweet. There was just something about that girl... I've got no strong points as to why; no evidence as to why she was so different, but I knew she was. Somehow she didn't quite fit into the crowd. Maybe it was just me because no one else seems to have noticed. I do tend to think a lot though, especially about people. People interest me.

But this girl, the complicated girl as I like to call her, she wasn't normal. She just had a certain presence that I couldn't figure out. I can't explain it because I'm still waiting for it to be explained to me. But all I know is, this teenage girl is playing on my mind far more than she should be...

Ella Simone - The Complicated GirlWhere stories live. Discover now