Frank ran over and started climbing the play structure while Gerard starting making his way up the bottom of the idiot trap, being careful not to get stuck himself. With as much grace as a baby goat, he manoeuvred his way up the tunnel slide, coming face to face with the idiot in question. She was scrunched up like a ball in the tube.

"Fuck you."
"Maybe later. Frank, you here?"

Frank popped in from behind the brunette, giving Gerard a thumbs up. He nodded in reply and grabbed onto the girl's arm while Frank got prepared to push from the back.

"Not really," she admitted.
"Three, two, one."

With that, Gerard pulled the girl while Frank pushed. The three soon became dismayed as their attempt revealed to be futile.

"God damn it," Frank cursed. Gerard groaned as the girl huffed and crossed her arms to the best of her ability. After an awkward manoeuvre, Gerard grabbed his radio once again.

"Um, Ray?" he asked, his voice cracking.
"What's up, G-Slice?" 
"We're stuck."
"Oh my God, did you and Frank get stuck too?"
"Oh. My. God. I'll call Mikey. We'll be there in a bit."

Gerard sighed and hooked his walkie-talkie to his pants. He looked to the grumpy teenager and the curious midget.

"So," he started, "I don't know how long we'll be here, but how are you today?"
"I want to punch you in the fucking face," the girl replied.
"Are you always like this or is it just because you're stuck?"
"I'm like this around people I don't like."
"I have done literally nothing to offend you or anger you. For once, I am innocent."

The girl rolled her eyes.

"Sure. Whatever, Gerard," she said, reading off his nametag. He went quiet until Frank broke the silence.

"Where's Ray?"
"He'll be here soon," Gerard answered. The three returned to silence before they heard movement at the top and bottom of the tube. Gerard was greeted by his brother climbing up the tube to the rescue while Ray climbed in the top.

"Hi, Gerard," the little brother said.
"Hi, Mikey."
"Okay, greetings aside," Ray interrupted, "let's get you guys out. Mikey, you'll be the weight. Grab onto Gerard. Gerard, you'll push Mikey loose while grabbing onto Whatsername-"
"Lindsey," she corrected, "My name is Lindsey."
"Alright. Lindsey, you push Gerard while grabbing onto Frank-"
"Hey," Frank said, scooting closer to Lindsey. She swatted him away.
"Frank, grab onto me. Push Lindsey and I'll push you."

The four complied to Ray's instructions.

"This outta work. Ready? 3."
"Ray, this better work."
"I think it will. 2."
"How the hell did I get stuck in between 4 different guys?"
"Gang bang."
"Shut up, Frank."
"Oh shit."

With a loud 'pop', the five slid down the tube and tumbled out the bottom. Mikey rolled off to the side, Frank landed on his face, Ray landed on Frank, and Lindsey landed on Gerard. The five stood up, to the laughter and cheers of the strange squad. Gerard looked to Lindsey, who was smoothing down her skirt. She glanced over at him. Now that he was able to actually see her, she wasn't that bad-looking. She had a mysterious and curious air about her, with a hint of arrogance and cockiness. It may have just been the remaining energy from the preceding incident, but she still seemed to be an interesting person. Plus, Gerard really wanted to know how she got stuck.

"Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premise."
"I was just leaving."
"But I wouldn't mind seeing you after my shift."
"Excuse me?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. She tilted her head and gave him a look.
"Well, you do owe me. And I'd like a date."
"A date?"
"Yeah," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck, "If it wouldn't be too much to ask."
"You assume that since you rescued me and I'm the 'damsel in distress', you can be my 'Prince Charming' and sweep me off your feet, don't you?"
"No, I'm just lonely and I think you'd be a great partner for laser tag."
"See?" Gerard sassed, "Don't make assumptions."

Lindsey gave him a sly smile.

"Alright. Fine. When do you get off your shift?"
"About an hour."
"Alright. I'll wait out front. See you then?"
"See you later. And no loitering out front."
"Fine, fine," she said, "Where do you want to meet, then?"
"I don't know. McDonald's? I have to change clothes first. Then I'll be over there."
"Sounds good."
"Alright. See you later."
"See ya."

Gerard watched as Lindsey walked over to a booth and grabbed a purse, looping it around her. She turned back to give him a smile and waved. Gerard waved back, as she walked out of the Chuck E. Cheese's. He sighed and looked over to the remaining hooligans. The crack addict and biker were laughing, while the small girl looked confused and slightly bored.

"So, explain."

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