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I sat there, waiting for the bell to ring me in to class. I were alone. Always alone. The only company I had was my pencil, eraser and the book I am writing. As I sat there and wrote, I heard someone laffing at me ans calling me stupid things and another said I'm hated by my family. Even tho it were a little true, didn't I care. I had my books I rather put my life in then being an idiot and bully everyone else.

- I wish my life could just end already..

After these words, the bell rang. I closed my book and got up from the bench. Some pushed me aside and called me a freak, it took me deeper down in the cold low mood I had. When everyone had passed me, I walked to class and got to my place and sat down. I had a view out at the forest beside the school, and I always lookt outside as like I am now. The time passed and the school ended, as always. Like time just repeat itself everyday. I took my bag and put my stuff in it, after that walked I out from the school while getting pushed and laffed at. It's normal for me so I just ignores it all. Like always. I got outside the school gate after some minutes and stopt. The sky were the most beautiful blue today, barely any clouds ans if there were clouds, they were so white and tiny that they were nearly invisible. A step forward too me on the way home and my eyes were stuck to the ground.

- When I'm home.. I might aswell do it..

After a while was I home and took off the shoes and held the bag close to me as I ran up to my room and in. I shut the door fast and locked it.

- I'm sorry..

I walked to my chair and sat down. Took up my book, pen and eraser and began to write done the book.

When the darkness began to fall over the village I got sleepy. Everyday, the exakt time, exakt same things always happened. But I'm used to it, so I have always known what to do. I closed my book and got up from the chair.

- I'm finally done with my book. And it was the last one I'm ever gonna write.

I took the pen and made it sharp.

- Tonight won't be an happy ending as in my books.

I held the sharp pen towarss my throat.

- I won't let anyone laff at me again, neither see me.

As I were ready to pull in the pen, everything went black and I couldn't see anything, the pen dropt at the floor and a whispering voice was heard behind me. It was so dark voice so I could barely hear what it said, but I were sure that it were a girl. I opened my eyes complete, something warm ran down my chest and that was the end of me. Or was it?

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2016 ⏰

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