*the Knight smiled then turned serious again*

Knight: Blue-Eyes, stay alert.. It won't be long till they find us.


*Princess hid in the cloak of the Knight*

Princess self thoughts: Crazy with his riddles. Ugh. Wait, Im standing on the ground~ Im free! Im free!

Princess: Yaaaaay! *the Princess shouted joyfully and danced all by herself*

Princess: Im free! XD I've been dreaming of this! *the Princess then lied on the grass with eyes closed*

Princess: This is real .. (u___u) *then the Princess opened her eyes then saw the Knight*

Princess: oh my Geas, Im not alone. I forgot Im with a crazy Knight.. 


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Knight: Its been a while since I saw you smile.. :)

*the Knight smiled and then hugged the Princess*

Knight: I missed you my Princess.. and this time, I'll never take my eyes off of you..


Princess: Tell me, who really are you? How did you know me? How did you find me?

*the Princess looked straight into the eyes of the Knight*

Princess: please, tell me ...

*tears suddenly started falling from the eyes of the Princess*


*held the face of the princess and draw it nearer*

Knight: Im just a nobody until you came into my life.. dont you remember anything? can't you feel it? we've been bonded by love.. I am.. I am you husband..

*then tears fell from the eyes of the Knight*


Princess: Bond .. Love .. My Husband ...*tears started to fall from the beautiful eyes of the Princess*

*she cried at the chest of the Knight, hugging him so tight as if it was her last*

Princess: Hubby .. ( T_T)


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*hugged the Princess tighter!*

Knight: don't be wifey.. Im here and you will never be alone anymore.. I'll always be here for you..

*the Knight took a smile while in tears*


*hugged the Knight so tight*

Princess: Im sorry I didn't know what happened. I've lost my memory. I've hurt you. Im sorry, my love for you was sealed for a long time. Hubby, Im scared.. (T_T)

*the Princess continued crying*


*hugging the Princess tight*

Knight: Scared of what wifey?


Princess: The Dark Elite Guardians. They'll be here soon. With Snoww's searching power, we can't hide. Its too late hubby. They'll take me away...



Knight: it seemed you angered Blue-Eyes.. wifey, I told you.. Im not just a nobody when Im with you.. whoever dares to take you away, shall taste the power of my dragons..

RP: In the MoonlightWhere stories live. Discover now