Saving Her

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- At the top of a 100 floor castle....

Princess: Oh trans! I've been living my life in this luxurious room yet i'm not happy. I want to be free... *goes to the window*

 *goes to the window*

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Princess: see whats beneath with this thick cloud, to...

Trans: To what hime?

Princess: Something's flying! And its leading its way on us! An enemy!

Trans: Shall I call Silva?

Princess: Ugh. He's too furious, let's just hide and see what's coming. *hides somewhere*


*riding on Blue-Eyes White Dragon*

Knight: should I knock? or just barge in? what do you say blue-eyes?

Knight: should I knock? or just barge in? what do you say blue-eyes?

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BEWD: *roar!*

Knight: guess we'll do the usual thing huh?... Go Blue-eyes! *big explosion*


Princess: Uh hmm, uh hmm.*the Princess started clearing the air in her face*

Trans: Hime! Hime! Are you alright?

Princess: Dont worry, i'm fine. Who's that idiot who destroyed my realm?! How dare could it be. I shall let Grapha eat whoever it was! *she stood up and walked straight at the smoke*

Princess: I am the DarkWorld princess, no one...*BOOGSH!, bumped with someone*


Knight: Sorry my dear princess.. am I intruding? *suddenly grabbed and carried the princess*

Knight: well, regardless of your opinion... I'm taking you with me. Blue-eyes prepare to take flight, this will be a bumpy one...

BEWD: *roar!*


Princess: Trans!*while flying*

Princess: flip morphing jar! Alarm the Guards!

Trans: Himeeeee!~

Princess: You mortal! How dare you to carried me like that?! The DarkWorld will be your opponent! Don't you know who I am? *hit the Knight with the Princess's elbow* 


*caught the Princess's elbow*

Knight: Princess... what have they done? Did all our memories gone vanished? Damn this DarkWorld!...


Princess: What are you talking about? *looks at the Knight*

Princess: You... you...* trying to regain memories*

Princess: No! You're an enemy spy! You came to hurt me so that you can destroy the DarkWorld. By killing it's summoner this place will be in chaos.

You, your a summoner too, right? And that's what you're planning! Don't touch me!*remove the Knight's hand*

Princess's self thoughts: Why do my heart's in race? Am I too afraid?


*shocked and had a sad face... bowed his face*

Knight: No, i'm just a Knight... a Knight willing to bridge realms just to save my princess from this DarkWorld...


Princess: My Princess? What do you mean by that? *confused look*


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