A Rainstorm of Tears

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Serena remembered it all too vividly, each and every agonizing second of it. It was unbelievable really she never thought a battle could get so... gory. Not that It was a battle in the first place, it was a sparring match. But...

Serena felt a sharp pain in her chest as she cried out to her pokemon, as if she was stabbed with a blade as well. "BRAIXEN, NO!" She fell to her knees, clenching the center of her chest as tears swelled up in her eyes. "B... Braix... en..." Her voice grew weak as she began to lose her consciousness.

Braixen slowly turned her head to Serena, a painful moan sounded from her lips."B.. rai..." she muttered as she clutched the water blade that impaled her. She looked back at Greninja, who loomed over her menacingly. She stared at him for a moment, gazing at his glowing eyes through the dark aura. She then fixated her gaze on the blade, which was now partially red due to the excessive amount of bleeding. "Xen..." She said clutching the blade tighter, having it cut into her fingers a bit. "Xenbraibraixen...!" she winced as she pushed the blade from her chest, collapsing on the ground behind her.

Serena fell out of the waiting room chair and onto her knees, tears dripping onto the floor below her. "BRAIXEN!" She screamed clutching the sides of her head, pushing her fedora off her head as she did so. She shook her head violently, screaming and shouting her pokemons name over and over again.

Clemont and Bonnie looked down at her, witnessing her wince and bawl her eyes out. "Serena..." Clemont muttered. Bonnie hopped up out of her seat and ran over to Serena. crouching down to her level and rubbed her back.

"What do you think happened brother?" Bonnie looked up at Clemont with a worried look on her face. Clemont shrugged. "I-I don't know..." He sighed. "All we know about the situation is that Braixen is severely hurt." He stood up and walked over Serena and Bonnie and crouched down, mimicking what his sister was doing. "And I wouldn't want to force it out of her either."

Bonnie hummed as she looked back down at Serena, gently stroking her back as she continued to sob. "I wish we could help you Serena..." She muttered.

"Clemont? Bonnie?"

The two siblings looked up at the archway that led into the emergency center to see Ash standing at the archway wearing a sling to support his left arm, which was wrapped up in a cast. They stood up as he walked towards them, leaving Serena to settle down.

"Oh my Arceus..." The two muttered in unison. "Ash!" Bonnie pointed at Ash's injured arm, a look of worry was in her blue eyes. "What happened to your arm!?"

Ash looked down at his suspended arm and sighed. "Oh yeah... this" He removed his arm from the sling to show the two his wrapped up arm. "I... tried to restrain Greninja before he..." Ash tipped the brim of his cap over his eyes with his healthy hand. "... Got any further with injuring Braixen."

"WHAT!?" Clemont and Bonnie stared at Ash with a horrified wide-eyed gaze.

Ash scratched the back of his head, looking down at the floor. "Yeah... He just... lost control somehow." Clemont and Bonnie exchanged looks before looking back at Ash. "L-Lost control?" Clemont stuttered.

Ash shrugged. "Mmhmph..." He hummed. "While having a match with Serena and Braixen... he started to act... strange." He looked up and turned to look down the corridor of the ER. "He even transformed on his own."

"On his own?" Clemont blinked. "H-How is that-"

"I don't know." He turned back to Clemont and Bonnie. "It just sort of... happened."

Footsteps were heard down the hallway, catching everyones attention. "Excuse me if I'm Interrupting anything between the four of you but..." One of the assistant nurses walked over to the gang. "I need to show all of you something."


The nurse turned on the light box, showing off the thin plastic scans in more detail. "It was rather miraculous how she survived." She said as she turned to the four who gawked at the x-ray display before them. "In fact, we had to retake all of these a few times to make sure that what we were seeing was correct."

"Amazing..." Ash's eyes scanned the pictures on display. "The impact... it didn't effect any of her vitals." He placed his free hand on Serena's shoulder. "Look, Serena!"

Serena looked up at the display, her eyes widening in shock. "S-so..." She uttered out, tears beginning to flow again. "You're saying she... she might... make it?"

The nurse nodded giving Serena a reassuring smile. "Due to the rupturing within her skin in muscle tissue, She'll make a full recovery in only a few weeks." Serena's eyes lit up with a feeling of sudden relief as she turned to Ash and impulsively threw her arms around him, crying into his shoulder. "T-thank Xerneas!"

Ash stood there, a bit startled at Serena's sudden gesture. He sighed as he reached up and patted her head. "Y-Yeah... Thank Xerneas." He turned his head to the nurse. "So... How's the testing with Greninja going? Did you find out anything?"

The nurse shook her head. "We have performed every test we could on him." She bowed her head. "We are only waiting for the results, they should arrive within a day or two at the least."

"Where is he now?" Ash asked as he worryingly scrunched his eyebrows.

"He's resting up." The nurse looked up at him. "It would be best to not try to communicate with him until the morning."

"Oh..." Ash sighed, continuing to pet Serena's head. "Alright..."

"There should be a motel 10 minutes from here." The nurse then turned to the X-ray display to turn off its lights. "We'll make reservations for the four of you whilst your Braixen is recovering."

Clemont, Bonnie and Ash looked at one another while Serena still cried into Ash's chest, before looking back at the Nurse and nodded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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