A new start

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Chrissie and Andy sat together in the pub, all eyes were on them but they didn't care. They were too smitten with each other to notice the other villagers staring endlessly at them. Majority of them were shocked that Chrissie was shacked up with her ex's brother, but the others were more in awe of how happy they seemed with each other. 

They both finished their drinks, and stepped out of the pub to go home. 

"babe, can you call a taxi please" Chrissie said to andy whilst she grabbed hold of his arm and pulled herself close to him as they walked outside. 

Just as they did, Robert zoomed past in his flash new car coming harshly to a halt smack bang in front of Chrissie and Andy. Both of them were shocked, Chrissie edged herself away from Andy as if she didn't want to rub it in his face after the performance in the pub before.

"Fancy a lift?" Robert shouted out of the car window. 

Chrissie's reply was bitter, but when she shouted "Why would I ever want to get in a car with you?", Andy gave her a slight nudge on the shoulder. 

"Honestly, I'm just trying to make this up to you. You're happy with Andy, and I'm now happy with Aaron. Surely we can be civil and not want to kill each other every second?"

Andy smiled at Chrissie and got in the car, Chrissie hastily followed him. 

Was this a new change in Robert? Was this the start of Chrissie and Robert being happy and civil without being in their sham of a relationship?

It sure was. 

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