Chapter 5.8 (The prefects)

Start from the beginning

"So what do you like to do outside of school?" Was Sirius's next question.

"I read a lot...but I guess you can count that as school. I like to dance, although I haven't done that in a while. I have this weird obsession with the Muggle tv-show Boy meets world...Oh, and Disney films like Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. I like to fly too although I'm not very fond of great heights...and I like to climb trees. Remus always used to say I could climb before I could walk."

"That I know...You used to climb out of your crib every night, just to crawl over to our bedroom and sleep in our bed with us." Sirius laughed. "And you knew exactly how to reach the cookie usually ended up shattered on the floor while you sat on the kitchen counter, eating your prize."

The others laughed and Aurora grinned.

Aurora looked over at Harry, he was sweeping the floor with a broomstick, looking lost in thought. She walked over to him.

"What's on your mind, little fawn?" Aurora smiled.

"That nickname is not manly, Ara." Harry said, pouting.

"OK, well, Sirius just told me about a name your father considered for you. I find it suits you. You want me to call you that?"

Harry looked up. "Er...Well, I guess it can't be that bad if my dad came up with it."

"OK, Elvendork, what's on your mind?"

"Elvendork? That's what my father considered calling me?" Harry gaped at her.

She laughed. "OK, he might have been messing around but hey, you already said I could call you Elvendork. Now, tell me what's on your mind and don't beat around the bush. It's the Dementor attack, isn't it?"

Harry gave her a pointed look before he sighed and nodded. "I'm just worried...if the Dementors are under Voldemort's control already-"

"They're not." Said Aurora, shaking her head.


"They're not,"

"How d'you know that?"

"It's a feeling,"


Aurora was lying alone in bed, wide-awake, staring at the ceiling. 

When Elizabeth asked her if she minded that she go visit her mother, Aurora had said that she didn't mind at all.

But she did. Now she was all alone in the big, dark room.

Flashes of darkness and death passed her eyes and she was panting and sweating in her bed. She tried to keep the tears at bay and herself from going down to find someone in absolute hysterics

After a few minutes, she couldn't take it any longer and got up. She opened the door, just to see someone standing in front of it, holding his fist up so he could knock.


"Help..." she could just whisper before her own thoughts became too loud and she fainted.

When she came by again, absolute chaos was surrounding her. "Who's yelling?" She whispered, reaching up to push her hands against her ears. The ringing in them was deafening. She could tell people were surrounding her by the flashes of Magic she could make out but they were suffocating her. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't think. She could barely hear what they were saying.

"Please lay still, Ara, this is no joke." Remus said urgently, pushing her back into bed.

"Please, please..." she begged, her own head growing too heavy to hold. "Make it stop!"

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