~Chapter One~

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She looks scary

I don't wanna be with her....

I dont want to see her anymore...

She looks cute but her stares are creepy...

Look at her!! So scary

Who is this girl??

This freaks......., they annoy me

"SHUT THE FCK UP! B*TCHES!" i shouted ..... Oops...I did it again......But This b*tches!!!! They should stop judging.... Or they'll regret what they've done!

Oh by the way! I'm Ynnah (*^*)/
I transferred in this school 'cause why not??
Im 18 and I live in a House
Im not a 'always angry' type its just...
I hate someone judging it scares me a lot!
I love food, unicorns and rai----

<I fail on the sound effects Forgive me>

Wh-who is this 0_0 eh??

She is beautiful

"S-s-orry!!!" the girl with brown hair apologized

"Its ok! Its ok!" I said she grabbed my hands and pulled me up...

"By the way, Im Sophie ,student council president"
She smiled. and I smiled back

"I'm Ynna"

"What is your class??"

"Class 1-S" she smiled weirdly she grabbed my hands

"You are my classmaaate!!!!!" She ran and brought me to our room

She's  too jolly

Our room is big.... Everything is perfect!! The seats are comfortable!!!

I love being in this class!!!!!!

"Hello Class" the teacher came
She was holding a pink teddy bear weird.....

Then my class mates greeted her:
"GOOOOOOOOOD MOOOOORNIIIIIIIINNG MS.GLAIZA"   0_0 whatta nice greeting right?

"Ok sit down, By the way.....We have a transferee! ... Girls will love her he ish hawt as f!!!! Mr. Jake you can now enter!" <A PERVY TEACHER!>

A guy with black hair, tall and handsome as hell!! came into the room he was eating a lollipop >.< cutie

"Sup.?" He said.....


Marry me Jake!

Marry meee

Shyt! Hawt!

Emegeeeeeeedd hottie!

The b*tches shouted

"Pleaxe choose your seat" Ms Glaiza said

Every girl expected that he would seat beside them...... They even made their seatmates go away so he would choose the seat beside them..... Bitches will always be bitches... I dont want him to sit beside me but



H-h-e sat beside me >\\\<


"..."  No response??? this guy =.="

We havent talk in a while then

"Do you have a paper?" Th-th-is guy....... GWAAAA!!!!!!! He so hawt...

"No I dont!" I lied I dont want my paper wasted just for him

"Then what is that?" He pointed at my paper. >.< oopsy... H-he noticed me hiding it

"I think its paper???.." I said note the sarcasm

"Yeah shut the fck up..." DAMN IT!!!!!!!! I had no choice but to give him a piece

Me and Sophie became BFF's!!!
We were going to the cafeteria


I bumped into a muscular thing

>.< owwie!! Who is this? Why do I crash with many people today?????

"Next time look at your way dummy..."

Its him..... Again... His muscles tho~

"DUMMY?!!!! .......YOUUUUUU!!!!!!! YOU B*TCH!!!!" He just gave me a blank look and went away

Damn that dude!!! He's pissing me off!

We went to a table in the cafeteria
I bought burger And a soda...

But I realized we are not alone in the table... There are 2 more girls and 1 boy

<how did she not notice?! XD>

"Oh by the way Ynna this is Ayesha"
Sophie pointed to the girl infront of me as expected... She is beautiful

"She is the S.C's Vice Pres."

"And this is Lia..." She pointed on the girl beside the boy she is.... A bit of a nerd

"and last and completely the least... Andrei"
He's so tall and handsome as hell!!! Shyt!!! The man of my dreams

No.... I love him!

"Hi Sistaaaah!!! Im andrei!!! Mwah ;)"

Sistah? Mwah? H-h-he is a gay?!!

"Hey..... Sophie... I-i-s andrei... Straight?"

They laughed

"No he isnt! Whahahahaha"
T_T broken hearted

After we ate lunch we quickly went to our class

And the bell rang... It means dismissal

Dang... That was a .... Very. Weird day

<Hello! Im back >.< was it boring? Or too much bad words??? Pls give some opinion!>

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