Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Nicole's POV

Slenderman would come to my window every night and we would just..... Talk. He is really nice and awesome. He lives somewhere in the forest and he is technally a foster father of BEN, Sally, Jeff, Jack, And L.J. "Miss Nicole, I must leave on important business for about 2-3 weeks. I will be back as soon as I can." He said, seeming kind of sad that he had to leave. "Ok, Slendy, I guess I can manage.." I whispered. He looked confused,"Slendy, I know you can read minds, so I will think of the memories."

'I was 5 years old, I sat on a swing at the park, alone. Slenderman then walked up to me and knelt down and asked,"Where is your mother, child?" I sniffled,"I don't know where she went. She said she would only be gone for a little bit." "I know where your mother is." He said as I grabbed his hand, and he led me to a restraunt and I saw her, my mother, with a man, sitting at a table, laughing. My own mother ditched me to go on some stupid date! "Slenderman, take me home." I whispered. "Are you sur-" he started to speak, but I cut him off,"TAKE ME HOME, SLENDERMAN! I DON'T WANT TO SEE MY OWN MOMMY DITCHING ME FOR SOME STUPID DATE!"


Age 12

'I was sitting on the front porch, in the middle of winter, wrapped in a thin blanket. Slenderman walked up to me, I stood up and hugged him, crying,"Long time, no see, Slenderman." I said, sniffling. "Why are you in the cold in a thin blanket, Nicole, child?" "Mom said something about 'Me probibly messing up her date' and 'Scaring her date off'..." "Let me show you what she is REALLY doing..." He said, lifting me up to my mom's window to see her and her date doing 'it'! Slenderman set me on the ground and I fell to my knees, crying,"IT'S JUST LIKE WHEN I WAS FIVE!" I yelled into his tux as he hugged me tightly. "Calm down, Nicole. I'm here to protect you."


I was sitting there, crying as he looked at me, with sorrow and pity in his 'eyes'. I snapped at him,"I don't need your pity, Slendy..... Between my mom abusing me when I was younger, same with the bullies, I don't need anyone's help. I just need to end it all together..." I lifted up my sleeves to reveal cuts,"T-THESE ARE A-ALL T-THEIR FAULTS!! THEY MADE ME SO ANGRY AND SAD, I DID THIS TO MYSELF!!" I yelled and Slendy pulled me into a tight hug. He whispered,"Shh~ Nicole. You are an amazing girl and you don't need to hurt yourself like this, child." He felt my pocket and pulled out 3 razors and stared at me,"These. Are going in the trash." and threw them in the trash. "I will be right back, Slendy." I mumbled as I walked out, and was pinned to a wall by none other than Eyeless Jack, so I yelled,"SLENDY! E.J IS HERE!" Slendy walked out and grabbed him with a tendril and pinned him to a wall and snarled,"If you even dare touch Nicole, I will tear you limb by limb and strip you of your immortality!" "OH GOD!" He yelled "I didn't know that SHE was Nicole!" "I'm going to bed. 'Night Slendy, night E.J!" I went to bed and the guys left.

~Long! Finally! See ya later!~

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