Loves In The Air

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Cinderella and the Prince kept walking. He showed her a hidden passage in the garden a place he went to think. There was a garden and water fountain with a swing!

 There was a garden and water fountain with a swing!

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Cinderella told him it was beautiful! He told her to sit in the swing and he began pushing her in it! They looked into each other's eyes and Cinderella started to blush! She smiled and laughed as he pushed her on the swing, and her glass slipper f...

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Cinderella told him it was beautiful! He told her to sit in the swing and he began pushing her in it! They looked into each other's eyes and Cinderella started to blush! She smiled and laughed as he pushed her on the swing, and her glass slipper fell off!

Cinderella told him it was beautiful! He told her to sit in the swing and he began pushing her in it! They looked into each other's eyes and Cinderella started to blush! She smiled and laughed as he pushed her on the swing, and her glass slipper f...

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