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Hi, My name is Diana Nicolas. Im 14 years old and I have a disease called Anxiety, Eating Disorder and Depression. Im a Fangirl but they call me weirdo. Honestly, Im a suicidal. Why? Let me tell you my story.


Diana's POV:

Im home alone again. My parents? They work across the other country. I have lots of family problems. My parents are divorced. My dad has a girlfriend and My mom has a boyfriend. I don't want this life tho. I want to end this, Im so sick of it. My mom and his boyfriend are getting married in a month or a year. I don't care. My dad, His happy with his girlfriend. I don't give a shit. But seriously, They are the reason why im like this. I self harm, I drink alcohol, I smoke, I love going out to party. MY LIFE IS FUCKING RUINED. Btw, I love to collect One Direction Merch. YES, I AM A DIRECTIONER AND I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOU. I love them more than I love my life. They are the only one that keeps me alive. They are the reason why Im here. They are the reason why I still breathe. What are my features? Im fat, Im Ugly, Im a monster, Im always hungry, I don't have friends, Im a weirdo. I just want to be followed by the boys so I can talk to them. I want them to know how much I love them and How they make me happy. But yeah, Im ugly so I don't get follows. My mom is going home tonight I guess? So yeah. Im gonna take a nap tho.

*after an hour*

Holy fuck, Someones knocking. IM SLEEPING WTF. So I opened the door and guess what? It's my mom. Can't she see Im sleeping? -___- So when she entered the house she hug me and I hug her back.


Should I continue or What? Comment please. Help me? Ideas? Casts? HELP. Comment! Help me my Sexybears 💕🌺😂🌸😘☀️🐢

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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