Chapter Thirty-Nine

Start from the beginning

Throwing his head back, Travis barked out a laugh. "Now that had to be horrific." Shaking his head still chuckling, he poured some of the fragrant shampoo into his hands and rubbed them together to work up some lather. As he massaged the thick foam into her hair, Harley closed her eyes and groaned. Her head lolling back into his hands.

"Feel good?"

"Mmmm..." She nodded, sitting up a little straighter. Arching her neck, she shoved her head against his kneading fingers like a contented cat. Her breasts easing out of the water as she did. The large, glistening mounds dripped with suds slowly sliding down her creamy skin and Travis's mouth went as dry as if he had gargled sand.

His hands stilled in her hair, his lips twitching to draw one of the pert nipples into his mouth.


He wanted to suck it deep, while his fingers gently rolled the other one. And after he was done feasting on her succulent breasts, he wanted to kiss her until neither one of them could breath. His mouth swallowing each and every one of her glorious moans as her slippery, naked body shivered underneath him.


He pictured her legs wrapping tightly around him when he dove his cock inside her tight pussy. The surface of his skin warmed at the visual causing the blood to race in his veins and he closed his eyes. Most of it landed south, directly in his crotch making him grimace slightly at the uncomfortable pinch it caused.

Suddenly, he heard a loud splash and he got hit with a face full of warm sudsy water.

"What the..." he sputtered, wiping the soap out of his eyes, but only adding more to it when he forgot his hands were slathered with shampoo. "Shit!" The sting blinded him and he searched around frantically for the washcloth.

Her laughter filled the bathroom and he felt the cloth swiping at his eyes. After she managed to get the worse of it, he blinked rapidly and took in her grinning face.

"Better?" she asked between another round of giggles.

"You nearly blinded me," he grumbled good-naturally, grabbing the cloth and rubbing out the last of the soap.

"Oh, you big baby," she joked, smirking at him. "It was just a little water. Besides, I've been trying to get your attention now for a good 10 minutes." She cocked her head to the side and looked up at him. "Where did you go?"

"Um..." Travis's hands stilled in her hair, gently twisting her head away from him so she wouldn't see the sudden blush warming his cheeks. Frantically he tried to sweep away the lustful thoughts he'd been having to come up with a more plausible excuse while his hands continued to massage her scalp.

"You weren't thinking about me falling off the bike, were you?" She sighed when he didn't answer. "I already told you it was an accident."

Guilt had his shoulders dropping. No, he hadn't been thinking about that, but he fucking should have been. Trying to muster any semblance of control around this particular woman was becoming a battle he would never win.

"I'm not totally convinced on that," he muttered.

"You and your conspiracy theories." She turned her head and gave him a scowl over her shoulder. "You act like everyone is out to get me." Waving a dismissive hand, she rotated back around with a huff. "It was an accident. I'm sure whoever it was must have been texting or distracted and they didn't see me until the last minute." She snorted. "I'm lucky they did look up, otherwise I'd been stuck in their grill instead of under a guardrail."

Although he didn't say anything, Travis couldn't shake his initial instinct it was more than just an accident. He didn't appreciate her trying to make light of it either, but decided to chew his tongue on that one rather than start another round of bickering. Later, he'd be calling Ethan and at least tell him what happened so he could keep an eye open for the damn SUV.

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