Chapter Thirteen

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"Someone's been here." I say. Kelin puts Peeta down on the grass. "So?" He asks. I scan the area for food. "So, chances are whoever was here will be back." I say. Kelin gives me another look.

"Please, there are only seven tributes left, and three of them are us. The other four are probably no where near here. Did you ever go back to the places you slept at?" I stay silent, then slowly shake my head. "Exactly. We're safe." I sigh. "I sure hope so."

Peeta cries out in pain and I rush over to him. He's been quiet for a while. I was wondering when I'd hear from him again.

"Prim?" He calls out. I hover over him and look into his blue eyes. I grip his hand tightly and give it a squeeze to let him know I'm there. He sighs in relief. "I was hoping you were still here." He whispers.I nod my head even though he can barely see me probably.

"I'm here." I whisper back, my voice cracking. I move my eyes down to his body. The blood has stopped pouring out, and now I can clearly see where the tiger cut him. He's been slashed across his chest, and has more marks around his waist and hips. I shut my eyes for a minute. Even when I've been looking at injured bodies all my life, I still feel sick looking at Peeta's.

I linger back to his face. The bleeding has also stopped on the cuts on his cheeks, but they're fiery red and look fresh--which of course they are. He brings his eyes down to his body and laughs a little.

"Ive got to stop putting myself in danger." He jokes around. I giggle a little, and quickly wipe the tears that have already began to form. "It's my fault. I should've protected you. I was supposed-"

"Stop." Peeta interrupts me mid-sentence. His voice is stern, and he has a serious face. "It's not your fault. It never will be your fault. It's not your job to protect me." I grip his hand tighter.

"Yes it is! I want you to win, so I'm risking everything to keep you alive." I cry. He shushes me. "Well don't. I want you to win, I already promised you I would make sure you did. Stop trying to save me. I won't allow it anymore." He says. I sit up and release his hand.

"You're not my boss.." I mumble. He laughs and holds my hand again. "You're the sister I never had." I smile and think about the audience at home. They're probably crying their eyes out. We seem so sweet, the brother/sister duo. Battling to save each other. Wanting the other to win. It so sweet it's almost sickening.

I examine Peeta once more and think about what I am going to do. I decide to at first rub some more ointment on him, and then try my best to fix him. I take his shirt off and rub the cream on his red flesh. He cries out in pain, and then lets a glad moan escape his lips. His eyes move from side to side.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He continues looking side to side, moving his head with his eyes now.

"Where's that other boy? Kel? Kelvin?" He asks. I roll my eyes. "Kelin." I correct him. "He's hunting. He'll be back." He nods and closes his eyes. I put the ointment away and we sit in silence.

I tuck my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs. It's nice to be in silence. It gives a person a lot of time to think. To strategize. To daydream. Peeta wants me to live. Why would he want that? He knows he's got more to look forward to coming home. A full family. All I've got is a mother who is probably dying because she no longer has the will to live anymore. What's the point of living in a big fancy house if you're alone in it?

I get to my feet suddenly when I hear twigs snapping. I knew it. I knew someone was going to come back here. They'll see me with an injured tribute and immediately take action. I load a bow and arrow and aim it for the direction the noise is coming from. But I lower it suddenly when I see the source of the noise is Kelin. He looks up at me and drops the three squirrels in his hand.

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