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I don't know how to do a spell. I'm just new here, isn't the school supposed to teach you the spells? Uh. I guess I better confess.. But do I want to ruin my reputation? Do I have a choice? Wait what..? Why am I crying. Why can't I stop crying.

Professor Dumbledore: 'Justin, it's okay everyone has their first days. This is Harry'.

He introduces me to a boy with a scar on his forehead. How did he get that?

'Hey Justin!', Harry says, wanna come sit with my friends and I? Don't worry, we don't judge people.'

I was also put in the same house as Harry. Was that a coincidence or did they do that on purpose? Harry does seem nice tho.
I walk towards one of the long tables and sit my self next to one of Harry's friend; Ron. He has blonde hair and green eyes and he keeps giving me this death stare as if I'm going to steal his bestrides from him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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