Getting to know pyro

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There really isnt much you like to do except watch mlg vids and Pyrocinacal.But the mlg was getting kind of boring so you just backed out of the video and went to pyro, so as you sat and watched his latest upload you started rolling up a 2 pound blunt (you cant just watch his vids without extra entertainment) so as you sat there smoking your big ass blunt you received a text message from him the most glorious person to walk the earth the text said "are you my drug dealer m8?" so you quickly responded and said "yeah dude just give me your address and ill sell you some dank kush" so he gave you the address and said meet up with me at exactly 4:20 pm ok and didn't respond to any of your text after so you did what he said and brought him him some of your cheapest stash (  he does not have that type of dough) so as you sold him the drugs a police car did a random check and discovered both of you so you high tailed the hell out of there once you lost the cop pyro said ''hey m8 i know a safe house were we can lay low for a while"  so you responded saying "lets blaze weed there ok" and he said ''I rolled up a 5 pound joint there help me blaze it" again your heart started beating faster you weren't going have to use your drugs and get to go to pyro's house win win m8

Thats the end fellow memers be sure to look out for part 2 coming real soon 420 out

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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