"What's your name?" I question.

"Amanda.. Yours?" she answers.

"Kaylee.. Wait, were you taken like a month ago?"

"Umm, ya how did you know?" she looks at me skeptically.

"It was all over the news..." I wonder if I was too. She starts to cry.

"I just want to go home!" she sobs. I put my hand on the cage and she puts her parallel to mine.

"We will get out of here," I smile pathetically. She returns it..
~Time to 'load up'~

"Come on stay in a line." The guards order. We are put two to a crate. I got buddy upped with Amanda. I tell her about Max and how I ended up here. She told me her story. She was walking up to her door and they just came up and pulled her into a black SUV like I was put in. Her experience sucked. She worked with the kids helping others into the crates and stamping them. Working on the "line," so they called it. Shes told all she has learned and has seen to me help me understand.

Mostly girls were loaded up but some guys. We all looked about the same age. I'm afraid to learn what we might be sold for.. Amanda and I came up with ideas but we didn't want to think about it.

After a long wait and a claustrophobic flight we finally stop. My heart is racing and I'm shaking scared to death of what might happen. I wish Max was here.. I reach up and touch the collar.. When are they going to take it off? I feel something stab my side. I reach in my pocket and pull out a packet of pills and a note...

Incase your head hurts... Im sorry, I will try to find you. I can only do so much.. Again I'm sorry

I feel tears threaten my eyes. Max.. Please come. Amanda touches my shoulder.

"He will come.. Im sure of it.." I doubted her but I nodded my head anyway. I go to answer but our box is picked up and starts to move. We look at each other with fear in our eyes and we gulp.

"Set them boxes over there and get a move on!" A voice bellows directions. Not even 10 minutes later the top of our crate is being crowbarred open.

"Hurry up an get out. Go the left and follow the older woman to the rooms you will be prepared in," A new voice directs us and points in the direction. The man helps us out and pushes us along. My legs are asleep and feel like jello I just want to sit down.

"Ok ladies and gents! Follow me so we can get you ready for the auction!" The old lady cheerfully announces.

"An auction?" I look over at Amanda. She looks as confused as I feel.

"Well come on," she says waving her hand, "The Dominants don't like it when we run late.." She hisses the last word and we move into gear. We walk down the hallway and come to 5 different doors.. "10 to a room, you pick. Like I said hurry," She practically sings it. Amanda and I go into room 3. 2 guys and 6 girls follow. We walk in and it's like a dressing room you would see in a movie. 5 vanities with lights around the mirrors line each wall. Makeup and hair stuff sits on each one. Then a clothes rack in the back filled dresses and tuxedos ready for our picking.

"Well hello y'all," a voice calls from a loud speaker, "You get 30 minutes to get looking purdy use the time wisely. When your done, just sit and wait. We will come shortly and give you a numba. Get to it" The southern lady clicks off. We all just look at each other dazed and not knowing what to do.

"Well I guess lets get started," a girl that looks about 17 mumbles. She takes the first vanity on the right and picks up a brush. She starts to untangle her hair slowly. We all follow her lead and sit down. I do my make up first and then my hair.

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