Chapter 2: Cinderella

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Once again, I was treated to a flashback of my 'mother' dying and a nasty stepmother ruining my life, and again, I was not treated to Disney-ripoffs. Mostly because Disney's version was not true to the original version, which is why I had a magic tree instead of a fairy godmother.

Let me explain the magic tree- one day, my 'father' was going on a trip, and asked me and my stepsisters what we wanted. One wanted gems, the other wanted pearls, and I wanted the first branch that brushed off his hat on his way home. (Is it just me, or does this sound like the beginning to 'Beauty and the Beast'?) So, he got the stuff, and I planted the twig in the backyard on my dead 'mother's' grave (why is that in the backyard?) and watered it with my tears (how does that work?!)

This apparently made it magic. Besides all the strange plotholes, there were always birds in it. I just... this story makes no sense, and we haven't even gotten to the main plot. I swear to Glob, I'm not stalling, but what's up with the birds? Do they just nest in the plotholes? Okay, I'm done. Back to the story now

So there was this three day festival popping up soon. I didn't really want to go (by which I mean, I didn't want to go at all because I remember very clearly last time I went to a ball and Ice Queen went too. Let's repeat that experience, why don't we?)

But my evil stepmother (once again, played by Ice Queen...) seemed to think I did, and made me pick a bunch of lentils out of the fireplace (I don't know. I just don't know) that a bunch of birds that were apparently living in my maigc tree flew into the house and did for me. Twice.

Then, as soon as they left, I sat underneath the tree to get a bit of peace. Next thing I know, I'm in a dress. And while it's a nice dress, I hate dresses. Especially when the Ice Queen is involved, even just a little bit, as I've mentioned before. And I got nice dancing shoes too (not stupid glass slippers, those would break as soon as I put my full weight on them, and Disney LIED about the stupid shoes, because they're not in the original story), and was basically teleported to the dance.

And then Marshall showed up again, and danced with me. No one else could, because whenever some other guy tried to cut in, he said, "She's my partner." Um... that's possessive. Really, really, really possessive. Then when I tried to get away from him, saying it was time for me to go home, he said he'd 'escort' me!

Dude... please back off! I managed to escape him- and then he called my 'father' to help him chop down the tree he thought I was in. Why....? Unfortunately, the same thing happened the second night. The exact same thing, even though I had a nicer dress.

Except, I could genuinely see Marshall was trying to be sweet while we were dancing. It was only when he felt threatened, like someone tried to take me away from him, or I tried to leave him that he turned extremely possessive. This new side of Marshall was kind of nice (the sweet part, not the creepy part) and you could still see the undertones of his 'bad boy' personality throughout it all, so it's not like he was changing himself...

Snap out of it, Fionna! It's not really Marshall! Anyway, the third time, he coated the stairs that I ran down in tar, and I lost one of my slippers. Okay, here's the facepalm moment. I didn't tell him my name or address because of the creepy, possessive side. No no no no no. Not cool, dude. So, he got one of my slippers, and I went home, dreading the next morning. Sure enough, he showed up.

I saw Ice Queen hand one of her daughters a knife to make her foot fit into the shoe, and apparently Marshall didn't notice anything, until he came back, and the same thing happened. Dude, are you BLIND?! They look like human versions of penguins, with bleeding feet! But the same thing happened, and then my 'father' said, "There's Cinderella, my late wife's daughter, but it can't possibly be her."

Gee, what loving parents I have. Please, tell my stalker everything about me, and encourage him further! Nevertheless, I was dragged out, and the shoe was jammed on my foot. I am not even kidding here. I was actually a little scared of stalker-Marshall, and I did not want this. But nevertheless, his temporary blindness seemed to clear up, and he embraced me.

I sighed. "You barely even know me."

"Oh no, Fi?" He asked, smirking.

I gasped. "Marshall?!" No, I mean, the real Marshall?!

He winked at me, before I was zapped into Rapunzel.


*Author's Note* 

Actually, Disney didn't lie. They used the Charles Perrault version... with Disney-fication, of course... singing mice, little birds... you know the drill. But we are not here for Charles Perrault. If we were, I would pass out brain bleach for Little Red Riding Hood, even if I don't write smut scenes. 

Also, I was nice when I changed what the father said. He was like, "Uh... there's Cinderella... my late wife's daughter... but she's deformed." So accuracy does not equal being nice sometimes. But I digress. 

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