You grinned. It still hadn't quite dawned on you completely that you were nominated. "I'm still in shock," you said, laughing. "Never in a million years did I think that I would be nominated. Especially with this competition. They're all amazing, amazing people and they're so good at what they do." You paused to reign in the word vomit. "I'm just surprised, excited and thankful."

"That's nice," the man said before asking you some more generic questions like 'And who are you wearing tonight?'

Then they began the relationship segment of the interview. You knew that they would market it as different segments and put click bait, but you had to be here to do your job, and honestly interviews weren't as bad as most people thought they were - unless the interviewer had a grudge against you. It was a good way to show the fans a little piece of you.

The question had been: What's it like being with Tony Stark?

You smiled. "Tony is amazing. He's so caring and considerate and - "

You squealed as two fingers jabbed either side of your waist and you heard "Wife!" shouted at you.

You whipped around to see Tony running away and blending into the crowd of tuxes.

You scoffed, turning back to the camera. "Did I say caring and considerate? I meant absolutely horrid." You laughed at yourself. "This is what I have to deal with on a daily basis. Every. Single. Day."

Both interviewers were too busy laughing. You laughed along with them to have no awkward silence.

"Well, thank you for being here," the woman said. "It's very nice meeting you."

You smiled. "Thank you for having me."


Sophia Grace and Rosie stood on their platform with their names on it as they called out Tony who would've never gone until his reformation.

He smiled politely and walked over with his babysitter Natasha. You hadn't trusted anyone else to keep him in line whilst he was there.

"Hello, girls," he said, smiling as he tried his best to not be crabby in front of them. He needed to be social butterfly Tony, not angry you-messed-my-schedule-up Tony.

"Hi!" Sophia replied, squealing. "Welcome!"

He chuckled. "Thank you."

"Um," Grace began. "How do you like being here?"

"I love it!"

"But you're not an actor so why are you here?" Sophia suddenly asked, getting a stern look from her babysitter/cameraman.

Tony smiled genuinely because he was talking about you now. "I'm here to support my beautiful wife."

Both girls let out an 'aw'. That was until you barged in shouting "Husband!" so that the microphones would hear it. Then, as you'd planned, Natasah went in a jabbed him before disappearing behind the camera again.

You laughed as you ran off and Tony gave them a deadpan look.

Both interviewers were busy laughing and even the camera man was having a bit of a hard time.

Sophia looked down at the candy stash they had and took up a cup of m&ms. "Would you like some candy?" she asked.

Tony accepted it was a gracious thank you and began popping one after the other into his mouth. He was a sucker for alcohol and chocolate. If only they'd had some of the first.

Then he stopped as the cup reached just over half. "Even though she's a bit mean, I'll take this to (Y/N) and see if she wants any."


"I am wearing a Jovani dress," you said, giving it a twirl. "And I'm not quite sure what my shoes are - ow!" You felt something hit your skin just over some bone. It wasn't very painful but the surprise and where it hit made it painful enough to make a sound.

You turned to find Tony there looking apologetic.

You gave him a look. "Tony."

He kept that look on his face as he crossed over to you, careful to not spill his m&ms and definitely to not step on your miniature train.

"M&m?" he asked.

Instead of taking one, you took the entire shot glass of them, picking away at it as he completely ignored the cameras, eyes stuck to you.

You smiled at him. "Thank you, Tony."

He smiled back, putting his arm around your waist. "You're welcome." He then looked to the interviewers who were a little confused but enjoying what was happening. "I'm crashing this interview," he said.

You laughed before nodding to Natasha.

She stepped up, grabbing his arm. "Let's go, Tin Man."

He sighed. "It's Iron."

"Whatever. Move, stark."

"Geez," he muttered under his breath as he followed her away.


"Really?" he questioned rather snarky as he saw the seating arrangement. He was not seated next to you and he didn't like it. The organisers had done a crap job.

"You have ten minutes with her though, before the event starts," Natasha said.

He sighed. "Fine."

She smiled at him, touching his shoulder. "I'll be in the general congregation area if you need me," she added before leaving him to walk into the main auditorium.

He picked you out of the haystack of celebrities, making a bee line for you.

The moment he had you in his arms he kissed you, not caring about everyone else in the room because he honestly couldn't see them. It was just you.

You smiled, wiping off the lipstick that had made it onto his lips. "Hi, darling," you said, smiling.

He smiled back, relieved. "Hi."

You touched his cheek. "It's been way to long, huh?"

"Way too long," he agreed, hands holding you tight by the waist. Instead of saying something generic of well meaning, he simply went straight for what was on his heart. "I love you."

You smiled. "I love you too."

"And we're going for a three week vacation after this."

You groaned. "Three weeks of just Tony Stark?" you complained jokingly.

He scoffed. "You love me."

You giggled, pecking him only to clean off a bit more lipstick. "I do."

Avengers Imagines Part 2 | The Request Bookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें