Oh thank heavens, nothing too heavy. “Yeah.”

I watch as he moves gracefully through his kitchen. He’s so at ease with his body on one level, but then he doesn’t like to be touched… so maybe deep down he isn’t. No man is an island, I muse – except perhaps Luke Hemmings.

“What are you thinking?” he asks.

I flush. “I was just watching the way you move.”

Luke raises an eyebrow, amused. “And?”

I flush some more. “You’re very graceful.”

“Why thank you, Miss Adams,” he murmurs. He sits down beside me. “What method did you pick?”

I am momentarily thrown by his question, when I realize he’s talking about Dr. Greene’s visit. “Mini pill.”

He frowns. “Are you going to remember to take it  at the right time every day?”

Jeez… of course I will.  “I’m sure you’ll remind me,” I murmur dryly.

Luke glances at me with amused condescension. “I’ll put an alarm on my calendar.” He smirks. “Eat.”

The chicken caesar is delicious. To my surprise, I’m famished, and for the first time since I’ve been with him, I finish my meal before he does.

“Excited today?” he smiles down at my empty plate.

I look at him from beneath my lashes. “Yeah,” I whisper.

His breath hitches. And as he stares down at me, I feel the atmosphere between us slowly shift. His look goes from dark to smoldering, taking me with him. He stands, closing the distance between us, and tugs me off my bar stool into his arms.

“Do you want to do this?” he breathes, looking down at me intently.

“I haven’t signed anything.”

“I know – but I’m breaking all the rules these days.”

“Are you going to hit me?”

“Yes, but it won’t be to hurt you. I don’t wanna punish you right now. If you’d caught me yesterday night, well, that would've been a different story.”

Holy cow. He wants to hurt me… how do I deal with this? I can’t hide the horror on my face.

“Don’t let anyone try and convince you otherwise, Aubrey. One of the reasons people like me do this is because we like to give or receive pain. It’s simple.”

He pulls me against him, and his erection presses into my belly. I should run, but I can’t. I’m drawn to him on some deep, elemental level, that I can’t begin to understand.

“Right now, I just want to tie you up and fuck you senseless. Are you ready for that?”

“Yes,” I breathe as everything in my body tightens at once… wow.

“Good. Come.” He takes my hand and, leaving all the dirty dishes on the breakfast bar, and we head upstairs.

My heart starts pounding. This is it. I’m really going to do this. He opens the door to his playroom, standing back for me to walk through, and I am once more in the Red Room of Pain.

My blood is running heated and scared through my system – adrenaline mixed with lust and longing. Luke’s stance has changed completely, harder and meaner. He gazes down at me and his eyes are heated, lustful… hypnotic.

“When you’re in here, you are completely mine,” Luke breathes, each word slow and measured. “To do with as I see fit. Do you understand?”

50 Shades of Hemmings (FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now