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When I first met Noah Black I didn't know how special he'd become to me. I didn't know that he'd try to get into my head. I didn't know that he would become the person I couldn't live without. But he is. And he's proven me wrong in so many ways.

{4 years earlier}

"You selfish slut!" He shouted as his hand cracked across my cheek. I knew better than to scream or whimper. But as his ring scrapped my cheek, I couldn't help but cry out in pain. It only made him angrier, but as I hit the floor his booted foot wrenched into my chest. I heard a crack and then a flare of pain. This time I bit my lip to void screaming. He kicked me a few more times and then he spat on me and walked away. I released my lip, tasting blood in my mouth, and feeling it run down my chin. I let out the breath I was holding and I instantly felt more pain. There was a stinging sensation on my cheek, which was heaven compared to the hot lava running through my chest. I felt tears fall down my face as I lie on the floor, curled in on myself. I'm not sure how long I lay on the floor before he came back. "God, baby I'm so sorry." I heard him say as his hands lightly touched my back. I would've flinched if I wasn't worried about the pain in my chest but I was also worried about internal bleeding. "Let' go to the doctor." He whispered to me, I heard the sorrow in his voice. This always happened, I'd make him mad, not meaning to, he'd hurt me (sometimes bad enough to need to go to the emergency room, like today) and then he'd cry and apologize until I told him that it was okay and that it was my fault. And that I loved him. I cried a little as he picked me up to put me in his car. In the trunk really. But it was better than him holding me while he drove, as he always did. When we got into the hospital they took me away from him. I felt safe, as I always did in hospitals when they separated us. "Miss Can you hear me?" I heard a women ask me. I was dozing in and out. "I can't-" I was cut off by myself coughing, and I heard, "Get her prepped for surgery! She has a punctured lung!" I felt hands on my body. They were lightly touching my chest and I felt my shirt being cut off body. I easily recognized the sound of tearing fabric. "Alright Hun, count to ten for me." The nurse said to me, putting something on my face. "One." I breathed, it hurting every second. "Two." This was it; I'd finally be rid of the pain. "Three." My chest began to burn, as if it were on fire. "Four." I felt myself slip under the influence of the anesthesia they were giving me.


I opened my eyes upon hearing the all-too-familiar sound of the heart monitor. I let my eyes adjust to the slightly bright lights of the hospital room. I blinked a few times, clearing the tears from the brightness. I was glad to see that he wasn't in the chair beside me. But she was. It was her. The nurse that was always there when I woke up. She never was not there whenever I woke up. She always looked at me the same way she always did, like she was sad for me. She always said the same thing to me. Be strong little one. It only takes one word to change everything. Just say the word and I'll help you. As if she knew what was happening to me. And I always told her that I was okay. That I just fell or tripped, or my cat got pissed at me. She always just shook her head at me, like she knew he was hurting me. I blinked and looked at her. I never knew her name, and she never told me. Her hair was red and she had bright green eyes. A long scar ran from the left side of her face, near when her neck began and ran to the right side of her face to her right ear. She wasn't very open when I'd asked her about it, as one would be. "You're finally awake." She said when she met my gaze. "I guess." I said my voice raspy. "How long was I asleep?" I asked her looking at the clock. It was 3 in the morning. "Four days." Her answer surprised me. From all the times I've been in the hospital, I'd never been asleep for over a day. "How bad is it?" I asked, the pain in my chest was bearable, but it still hurt. She leaned forward and said, "Three broken ribs, you have stitches on your cheek, a sprained wrist, a concussion, and you've got a broken toe. So I'd say pretty badly. I had them keep you under a few days than normal, just so you're not in as much pain. I figured you'd be okay for a few more days. I wanted you to have a few days of freedom." Her words went deeper than she intended, and when I flinched, she looked at me. "Be strong little one. It only takes one word to change everything. Just say the word and I'll help you."

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