My sun, moon, and stars <Remus Lupin love story>

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter! If I did neither of the remaining marauders or Fred would of died. Oh, Fred! What am I going to do with out you! Bye now.


Okay, first year, half blood, born Animagus, full on freak. Nutty, insane, lovable, crazy, obsessive over cookies, and absolutly terrified of facing my first school year without my life long best mate, Remus Lupin. Oh, wait, I'm Cherry Tree.




Okay, I'm Cherry Elizabeth Lillian Thompson. Yeah, big name. DEAL! Okay, now I need to find a compartment with people in it. To talk to and hopefully not freak out. Did I mention I'm a witch? No, I didn't?


Oh, well, I'm a witch. Not the hag-muggle kind of witch, the perfectelly normal attend Hogwarts kind of witch. Hey, I found a compartment. I entered it and and managed to face plant. Don't judge.

Your judging, I can smell the judging. Oh, JK. Hmm, never thought I'd use text slang in my mind. I should get up now. So I did and sat in a seat. I stared at the empty seats across from me and jumped when the door opened.

"You mind if the four of us join you?" A boy with black shaggy hair and grayish eyes asked.

"Go ahead." I said with a poor, fake accent. I scowled at my failed attempt and someone sat next to me.

"That's a dangerous place to be." I grinned evilly and turned to see...What? You actually expect me to tell you? Fine, I will...Remus.

"I know." He grinned and I tackled him in a hug.

"You irritating little prat! You had me believing I would see you until Christmas, Wolfy!" I laughed into his ear. Did I mention he's a werewolf? No, I didn't. Ohhh-kay, Remus is a werewolf and I will destroy you if you say something bad about him.

"Sorry, Cherry." He laughed and set me back in my seat.

"Okay, that's done. Who are you?" I asked the other three curiously. It turns out they were James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew. I was Sorted into Gryffindor and I'm going to fast foward to our seventh year.

Seventh Year

"Rems," I stage-whispered as we crept into the marauder hang out, just the two of us for now.

"What, Cher?" He stage-whispered back. I pointed to the guitar hidden from everyone but us and gave him a pleading look.

"Words, Cher." Remus sighed.

"Play for me, will you?" I asked him. He nodded and began to tune the guitar. I laid across the rug and closed my eyes as he began to play. I doubt anyone know that he can play and he can sing. Only me, he taught me to play the guitar, that's how I got so good. But everyone knows that I play because I play all the time. Him playing gave me time to think.

Like a Cherry.

Like a James.

Like a Remus.

Like a sex god.

Oops, I repeated myself.


Wait, what!? You didn't hear that! Ignore it! Shush! No one knows (Yeah, sure Sirius does, loooong story, hehe, bad firewhiskey!) I love my best mate! Gah! You didn't read that!...Remus...He has pretty eyes. Green with gold flecks in them. So pretty. I maybe, possibly, quite likely, fell asleep and woke up to Sirius jumping on me. He grinned at me and I groaned. He wanted to put his 'brilliant plan' in action this year.

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