I pulled her into a hug, squeezing her hard.

"Of course I forgive you, Mom."

We stayed like that for a second.

"This can't be good for the baby," I whispered, and we both pulled away, laughing. I wiped away my tears. "When's she due?"

My Mom's face shone with excitement, like a kid with candy. "Ten weeks," she said, practically bouncing with excitement. I looked at her, and wondered how I didn't notice before. "And...she?"

"I want it to be a girl, don't you? I could do her hair, and we could gossip... Do you and Dad know if it's a boy or a girl, yet?"

"No. We didn't want to know. That way it'll be much more exciting, right?"

I smiled. "Yes, I think so."

We sat like that, on the bed, for a couple more seconds, in complete silence.

"I'm really sorry, Ella," Mom said, her eyes sad again. "I don't want this to happen, but..."

"I get it," I said, smiling. "And I'm happy to do it, okay? It'll be worth it, in the end."

As my Mom grinned at me, I knew it would be worth it.


ῼ Ash Castillo ῼ

My eyes narrowed, behind my helmet. My foot lowered on the accelerator, and I pushed forward, even faster. The race track bent, and I twisted the steering wheel slightly. The car obeyed.

I checked the speedometer. One hundred and fifty miles an hour.

The stadium blurred into nothing but indistinguishable colors, and all I could see was the road in front of me. I knew exactly where to stop, though. I could drive down this track with my eyes closed. It was my favorite.

I stopped, at the servicing station, and James helped me out of the car. I pulled off my helmet

"How long?"

"Four minutes, six seconds."

I swore. My record was four minutes, four seconds.


I spun around. Who the hell dared to call me by my first name? Oh, right. Of course.

"Will. What are you doing here?"

The brown-haired boy smirked at me, flicking his fringe. "Seeing what you're doing, sweet cousin."

I shook my head, and smiled. "Such a flatterer. Tell me what you're really doing here."

"Don't you believe me?" Will asked, his eyes widening. "I'm hurt."


I was about to say more, when my phone rang. I checked caller ID, and smirked. "Hello?"

"Mr. Castillo?" It was Ella. Her voice was as beautifully cold as always. "My Dad said you need to give us the check, or something."

"Not so fast. You have to sign the contract, first."

"Contract?" I cracked her icy wall. Her voice was now disbelieving.

"Contract. Do you want me to come around today, or tomorrow...?"

She was silent for a minute, apparently debating something in her head. "Today."

"Fine. I'll come around soon," I said, smirking. I hung up, and saw Will looking at me.

"Who was that?" he asked, his voice light. "Business Partner? Builder? Hospital manager?"


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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2016 ⏰

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