She motioned for me to flip another card and I did and sat it down. This card was two people surrounded by vases it seemed like with them exchanging one.

"Present. Six of Cups. You may have encountered a past friend or lover recently that you haven't seen in many years. The child holding the cup indicates that this meeting was positive in nature. The home in the background represents you value your family, your home. Both are very important to you."

She motioned for me to flip another cared and I was so creeped out by the last one and what she said that I hesitated before doing so. I grabbed another card and flipped it and sat it down.

It was a picture of a sun with a face and dogs looked up at it, they were on land but surrounded by water. This pictures were confusing as hell.

"Your future, The Moon," she looked up at me and back down at the picture, "It indicates a time will come where things will not be as what they seem. Deception is what is indicated, by one's self or by someone else. You should be cautious, extremely cautious when dealing with others. Information will come to you, whether it is told or even by dreams or possibly even visions. Accepting it and dealing with it will bring you peace, denying it will only cause you more harm than good."

I thought I was creeped out before but that was nothing to how I felt now. I wanted to ask her what that even meant but apart of me didn't even want to know.

She told me to gather the cards up as she set my three aside and then told me to shuffle and flip the cards over. When I did that she told me to take the one off the top and place it down in front of him. I did and now I was staring at a card with a heart on it with three swords going through it.

"Three Swords. Represents unexpected pain, turmoil, heartbreak, betrayal, loss, separation and grief. Be prepared for what's to come. You will hurt psychically as well as emotionally but the pain will only motivate you. You will go through challenges but each one will help you grow stronger. The pain will cloud your mind, your spirit for a time. You have strength and courage to conquer any pain that comes your way. You will sacrifice a lot, you will feel broken and you may have to make some tough choices. Life may seem meaningless at that time but you will overcome. It will take time, forgiveness, and self love but you will get through it. You have love, support, someone to talk to and confide in. Someone who loved you and knows you more than you know yourself. You also have someone who motivates you, someone who you look out for, someone who gives you a reason to fight above anyone else."

By the time I walked out of there I didn't really know what to think. I was silent for the whole ride back and I'm sure Judy and Braeden noticed but they didn't comment or ask me what was said during my reading.

After my class August called me up and told me about his and Liyah's plans for dinner and he insisted that I come out with the both of them and Liyah was pleading in the background. So after I got home I dressed in something simple and waited for August and her to pick me up.

The last place I expected to go to dinner was Chuck e Cheese but Liyah was so excited and wanted to skip to the games but I told her she had to eat first. Once she was done eating she was begging and whining and August got up with her and took her to go and play while I sat and relaxed. Every so often I would spot the two of them laughing and having fun and I would smile and wave.

It didn't take long before Liyah ran over with a wide smile on her face.

"Come mommy," she tugged on my arm.

From then on I was roped into playing almost every game inside the place. I was having fun with the both of them and felt like a big kid. August was keeping me entertained and I guess after the past two years I forgot how fun I used to have with him. Slowly but surely he was redeeming himself in my eyes and a part of me was scared because I was starting to see that cocky but lovable guy that I fell in love with.

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