Chapter 2

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In case anyone was wondering, Sam, Tucker, and Jazz know about me being the King of the Ghost Zone. Anyway, Tucker, Sam, and I sat at the back of the bus with the ghost weapons. Jazz stayed behind with the boooomerang and took up the job of being back up just in case anything went wrong. We were all nervous about going into the Zone and hoping that I could keep my secret intact. The A-list, Dash, Paulina, Star, Kwan and others I don't know and don't want to know, were in the front talking. Meanwhile the geeks and outcasts, Valerie, Nathan, Mikey, and a few others that I didn't know, were in the middle.
When we entered the Ghost Zone I relaxed a little, feeling the soothing embrace and power of the Zone wash over me. Sam and Tucker also relaxed a little at the feeling, but we were still nervous. Everyone was looking around and asking questions like, 'What are the doors for?' 'Do you think we'll meet the ghost boy?!' 'Forget him! Where's Fire Wolf?'
"Fire came through the portal today." I stated bluntly, heh I guess Fire's habit of that rubbed off a little.
"Dude, that's great! She heard you this time?"
The crystal on the necklace around my neck glowed slightly, "This time? This time?! I heard him everytime! He just didn't need me is all."
"She probably heard him everytime Tucker! Danny just didn't need her when he called."
"Thank you Sam!" Fire said, even though she knew I was the only one who could hear her.
"That's exactly what she said Sam."
Sam smirked, "Great minds think alike."
"Damn straight!" Fire shouted, laughing a little.
I rolled my eyes, "Well, at least this way the trip won't be a total disaster. I hope not at least."
Sam and Tucker both nodded in agreement. We continued to look around nervously with only Fire's presents to reassure us.
Apparently, Dash, who was coming to the back for some reason, saw us looking around nervously as the other students continued to look around in awe, including my 'parents' who, until today, have never been to the Ghost Zone.
"Awe, the freaks are scared of a few wimpy ghosts." Dash sneered. The A-list laughed while the geeks and outcasts paid no mind to Dash's remark.
The crystal on my necklace glowed slightly when Fire heard the comment through the link, "Who said that I was wimpy?! Oh, when I find out...Danny, I swear he or she is going to get the scare of his or her life!"
I bit back a snort and tapped the crystal that was currently under my shirt, replying, "Dash said that."
"Of course he did. The stupid bastard."
She continued to grumble and I had to stop myself from laughing and almost didn't hear Sam snarl,"Go away Dash." Going back to the conflict at hand, Tucker and I glared daggers at Dash, but before he said anything there was a loud bang. Then, my parents shouted that the SSB was going down. We spun out of control and I heard a familiar voice shout, "Skulker! I'm going to end you!" Then, the ship crashed to the ground, the fall was cushioned I could tell, and was about to start rolling, but was stopped by a wall of ice that disappeared as soon as it had done it's job. I looked over and saw Fire fighting Skulker, but he had some sort of sound gun. He used it on Fire and she screamed in pain, falling to her knees and put her hands over her ears. I growled and grabbed an ectogun and a thermos. After attaching the thermos to my belt, I ran forward and shot the sound gun with uncanny aim. Skulker growled at the broken weapon and turned his attention to me, and his eyes widened.
"My king, I wasn't aware that you were in that metal contraption."
I glared at Skulker, "I'm letting you off with a warning, but after this is over, Fire can do what she wishes with you as long as she doesn't end you." Fire grinned and Skulker gulped.
I noticed people were staring so I said, "This is Skulker, self proclaimed, 'Greatest Hunter in all the Ghost world'." Everyone still stared at me then Skulker and Fire Wolf with wide eyes before Fire walked up, glaring at Skulker.
"I'm doing what I want now if you don't mind. Bad temper, you know how it is." she said, pulling his head off, taking the little screaming green blob out of the head, and drop kicking him half way across the Zone.
"Yep, I feel much better." Fire muttered, before taking a deep breath and turning around with a, clearly fake, smile.
"Now, gather the things you need and we'll head to my lair."
"Why should we trust you ectoplasmic scum?!"
Then, my mother turned to me, "What did he mean when he called you king?!" Maddie shouted.
Fire glared at her and said, "If you don't follow me you either die of starvation or you get killed by ghosts. To answer your second question, he's an idiot that gets Phantom and Danny mixed up because he thinks they look similar."
I shot her a grateful look, "Phantom's King?!" Paulina shouted.
"That means when we get married I'll be a queen!" Fire, Sam, Tucker, and some other people in the group face plamed, but my 'parents' stayed silent about this, although they looked a little scared.
I don't like calling them my family because my family consists of Dani, my daughter, Sam, my sister (we tried dating, but it was too awkward so we stayed friends), Tucker, my brother, Jazz, my sister, Pandora, my spiritual mother, Dora, another sister, Frostbite, father figure, and last, but definitely not least, Fire Wolf, the second greatest sister ever because Jazz is the best (although I feel like there's something more to mine and Fire's relationship than that).
Anyway, Fire nodded and she let out a sigh of relief, "My lair isn't that far away, but we need to treat your wounds first. I was able to cushion your fall, but I obviously wasn't able to stop it." She gestured to the broken Spector Speeder Bus and I winced.
"So, who's injured?" Fire asked bluntly.
I gave her a pointed look and she shrugged, "I'm not the sugar coating type. You know that." That last part was the wrong thing to say.
"Daniel James Fenton! You know a ghost personally?! You know that all ghosts are evil!" The woman who calls herself my mother yelled.
Fire bristled, and I yelled, "Her name is Fire Wolf and she could've left us here to die! She's offering to take care of us! If she were really evil we would be dead already so quit your whining and get your shit together!"
Jack looked shocked at my outburst, but deep down I think he knew that I was right.
Maddie, on the other hand, "Don't you talk to me that young man. I am your mother-"
Fire snorted, "So a mother let's her kid fend for himself huh? A mother let's her child get hurt at school because of bullies? A mother ignores her child's crying at night because he can't take the nightmares anymore? I help him with those most nights by the way, Sam and Tucker take the rest. He goes home with cuts and bruises almost everyday and you never noticed. I heal what I can, but because I've been gone no one but him knows how many injuries he's gotten and he won't tell. You never noticed how miserable he was and still is on Christmas. I bet you didn't know that his birthday is tomorrow either did you?!"
Maddie's face got red, from anger or embarrassment I wasn't sure.
Then, Fire walked up to her and got in her face, "I take care of him more than you do Madiline Fenton. Compared to me and other allies he has here you're nothing more than a wet nurse and no better than a mother wolf with rabies."
Maddie looked like she'd been punched in the stomach at that last comment.
Fire then turned to the on lookers and said, "Those of you who are injured come here."
Dash, Paulina, Kwan, and Valerie stepped up.
Dash had a cut going down his leg, Kwan had a broken arm from an ectogun falling on it, Paulina had a small cut on her forehead, and Valerie just wanted to help.
"Thanks for the offer, but I got it taken care of." Fire declined, Valerie nodded, and Fire sighed as she got to work on the woumds.
Maddie and Jack were watching her like hawks and when I say hawks, I mean watching over her shoulder.
Fire ignored them as much as she could when she was using her ice powers to heal my classmates, but when she went to stand up they bumped their chins on her shoulders.
Growling in irritation she spun around and glared at them, "If you have a problem with me then you can stay here because I don't have the patience for games."
She glared at Maddie, "You're getting on my last nerve."
Then, my second favorite sister (that I may or may not be starting to have feelings for) started looking between my mother and father, "I need to be able to focus when I'm healing them because if I don't I'll end up hurting them."
The wolf girl got in my mother and father's faces, "If you even think about ruining or taking anything from my lair when we get there I will not help you anymore. The rest of the group I will take care of, but you will be Phantom's burden from then on." When she turned away she gave me a pointed look and I gave her a quick nod.
"Well, now, I think we can get going. My lair is about 3 miles from here so it shouldn't take us long to get there."
The class groaned, but didn't complain anymore than that. Fire rolled her eyes and shook her head, but said nothing.
Sam, Tucker, and I walked in the front with her while the other kids in my class got into their cliques and started trailing behind us.
Not even a half an hour later Paulina started complaining.
"My feet hurt! Can we stop!" she whined.
Fire's eye twitched, "You never said I would have to suffer through this." she growled to me.
"Sorry." I said getting just as annoyed as she was.
"My Ghost Boy can't see me like this!" Paulina yelled.
"Flier! Can you carry me!" I winced when Paulina got her name wrong.
Turns out that was it, the last straw was drawn and her patients was almost gone.
Fire stopped walking, turned around, walked up to Paulina, and held her hand out, "Heels, now."
Paulina smiled and handed them to her, thinking that Fire was going to hold them while giving her a ride on her back.
Instead, Fire snapped the heels off and used her fire powers to make new fire crystal soles for them. Paulina gaped at her even as she handed the shoes back.
"That should do it." Fire said, smiling cruelly.
"By the way, my name is Fire, I won't carry you, and trust me when I say, the Ghost Boy is taken." Fire calmly turned around and walked back to the front of the group where Sam, Tucker, and I were all grinning. Sam and Tucker because of Paulina's expression and me because she said that I was taken. I wasn't sure if she meant by Sam or her, but I chose not to ask, just in case.

AN: Okay, see, the reason why Danny isn't with Sam is because I can make more conflict this way. That and literally everyone does that slash (It's so boring now! (In my opinion at least, unless someone makes it more interesting and keeps it that way throughout the whole story.)), so I'm doing something different. If you have a problem with that put your complaint in the complaint bin. *points to trash can and smirks*

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