Believe it

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The hot night wind hit my face,it was getting colder and also windy.The wind blew my hair backwards.Taking small steps I finally was in front of the
Water.Tears started to fall from my felt like I've lost my everything,I've nothing left. I can't do it any More. Yes I'm sensitive I had it all now I'm done #done
I'm not going to fall for anyone all men are the same.They think they can steal a girls heart and the break it in to millions of prices.
Nath cheated on me and now I'm broken,lonely,pissed,empty,betrayed.
I'm not going trust anyone again.
I put myself together and admired the beautiful view.
It somewhat relaxes me.

From now on I will never cry for a boy,I won't trust any boy they are all the same and I will never fall for any one...I'm not the same now.this made me my learn a lesson and I'm not going to do this kind of mistake in my future.I promise myself this and I know I'll keep it.....I have to......for my own safety..!!!!!

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