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"I was wondering if you wanted to go out with the squad,everybody else is going"
I thought for a second
"Of fucking corse"
Oh yeah did I tell you I curse like a sailor
I don't when I'm respecting older adults or little kids
See I'm not 'that' bad

Hey_Kaye_Baby:Hey come over I dunno what to wear...:/

Itz.Brooke:Ok be there in 5 ;)

Yes she said 5 minutes she can make it...
BTW (By the way)she is my boo,bestfrand,BFF,other half,thing two,other cheek,ECT.


"Hey...I dunno what to wear help..."I looked at her with sad puppy eyes
"Ok lemme see"
She picked [ http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=194083891  ]
She wore [ http://www.polyvore.com/brooke/set?id=184606046  ]
(BTW the eyes are there to tell you the eye color Brooke's is icy/ocean blue and Brittney's is emerald green and Britt is the cover of this book....Author out)
She complimented me and I complemented her she was awesome...
The best person on the world to be exact...well I can't say that...
Cause we are a trio just the other person came last and her name is Brehanna....
She has brown eyes and red hair and she's wearing this[ http://www.polyvore.com/brehanna/set?id=198311660  ]to the party she will just be meeting us there.... 

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