Chapter 2

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Chapter Two

Henry’s anger fuelled as he watched the goings on behind the scenes of I puritani. Vernon Shaw commanded and controlled the cast as if he owned them. All looked upon him as if he had a knife to their throats and all they could do was obey him so that their jugulars were not sliced.

Ebony was the worst of all. When she emerged from her dressing room in her ‘Elvira’ costume, she looked as though she were a corpse. There was no life in her.

“Smile,” Vernon barked as he pushed her up the few stairs towards the stage. “The audience isn’t paying to see your ugly scowl.”

Henry would have intervened. He would have challenged the vile man to a duel and shot him for being so disrespectful but he needed to remain on his good side. If he wasn’t then he would never be permitted backstage. If Vernon liked him then he could smuggle food into Ebony and anyone else who needed it and find out what Vernon was holding against them. He was a solicitor, after all, so he had a lot of experience in negotiating.

Just as he was about to turn away and find a seat to watch the performance, he saw Vernon pull Ebony by her hair so that he could crash his lips to hers. She didn’t fight him, she just stood before him until he had finished kissing her. Henry felt physically ill. He came to the realisation that perhaps Vernon took more than just food and freedom from his cast … he took their innocence as well.

Henry’s hands curled into fists as he tried with all his might to keep calm. He was not ordinarily a violent man but Vernon Shaw could well be the exception.

When they separated Henry could a few tears rolling down Ebony’s cheeks.

“Now, now, dear, there are worse things.” Vernon chuckled. “Keep that in mind next time you decide to indulge on sweets. Unlock your door for me tonight.”

Ebony’s eyes hardened as she nodded. Vernon had just threated her but with what, Henry wasn’t sure. He then recalled how Vernon had been prattling on about motivation and how his star had the best motivation of all. It had to be terrible. He was blackmailing her somehow.

Henry heard the orchestra begin to play the music for the first act and the cast took to the stage. Vernon turned around with a satisfied smile on his face and came over to Henry as if he hadn’t done anything wrong.

“It does get quite hectic around here now that the performance has started. I’d suggest you go and find a seat, m’boy,” Vernon advised merrily, gesturing for Henry to leave out the door he had come in through.

“Would you mind if I come again tomorrow, Mr Shaw?” Henry asked, doing his best not to sound as if he were speaking through gritted teeth.

“Certainly not. In fact, how about I come by your establishment and collect you. I’d like to see your mother. It has been so many years,” Vernon replied. “I shall come by at around three o’clock tomorrow. Perhaps she will set out a little tea for us?” Vernon suggested.

Henry knew his father would not like it at all. But he needed to keep Vernon on side. “Of course,” Henry complied. “Do you know where Ethridge Manor is?” he asked.

“Doesn’t everyone? I hadn’t realised like Miss Em Wentworth had married so highly.” Vernon laughed lightly. “Tell your mother I am very anxious to see her. Now go, young man, and watch the opera. Good night.” Vernon bowed his head casually before retreating back towards the dressing rooms. Henry would be certain to tell his mother one thing – her old friend was a cruel man.  

Henry turned in the opposite direction and came out the side door into the foyer. The doors to the theatre were closed but a subtle coin into the pocket of the usher was no issue. Henry did not have a seat so his only option was to watch from the back of the theatre.

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