More than just administration

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Three weeks had past. Days spent running to the photo copier, making tea, moving round meetings and being undervalued.

10 AM sharp Mills entered his office tea in one hand and mail in the other.

She stopped dead in her tracks.

"Sorry Mr. Locksley I should have knocked."

"With both hands full I would have loved to have seen you try." He said as he took the items out of her hands. " Zelena was just leaving. "

Zelena was the office bitch who had her eye on Robin's money but the only way she would ever get to his money would be through him.

"Robbie are you going to the company benefit tomorrow night?" Zelena inquired.

"Yes " he knew she would ask to go with him. "In fact me and Mills are going. I though it's about time she saw what else Sherwood does."

Zelena left the room with an audible huff.

"Mills I need your help."


"Please Mills , just a couple of hours double pay?"

"I can't "

"Mills triple pay please I hate that woman and all she see in me is dollar signs"

"You think you can just buy people's time don't you?"

"Well yes, come Mills you work here so you have an invite it's not like I'm asking you to commit a crime."

"Its on the records that in 2013 you said that administration staff should not be invited to company benefits so no I don't have an invite."

"Mills you know your more than just administration"

"Yes I'm practically catering with all the tea I bring you"

"Very funny. Triple pay and two extra paid leave days?"

"Fine. But only a couple of hours! And your next meeting starts in five minutes meeting room 317"

"Thank you! I'll pick you up at 7?"

"I'll meet you here at 7"

"Don't be daft I'll pick you up."

He could see the uncomfortable look in her eyes.

"I'll meet you here at 7"

He kissed her cheek as he left to head to his meeting that he was already late for.

The next couple of hours went by peacefully with Mr. Locksley in his meeting Mills had a few moments to herself.

She picked up her phone a battered old Samsung Galaxy s2.

"Hey Mal, I need a favour."

"Sure what is it?"

"Any chance you could baby sit tomorrow night for me please."

"Of course. I love spending time with my God son."

"I'll drop him off around five ?"

"Yeah I'll have chicken nuggets ready for him"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome"

Mal and Mills had been friends since they were 5. Mal's parents were rich and busy so they sent her to a school over sea so they would not have to devote to much time to her. That's were she met Mills.

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