C H A P T E R S Ī X;

Bắt đầu từ đầu

'And do you miss home?' She questions

'I suppose so, I mean I'm half way across the world from my family and my childhood friends, so I guess' he shrugs playing it off, he doesn't really want to talk about home.

And so she goes on asking him questions, and he answers with as much enthusiasm as he can fein.

'Wait' Mulder stops mid conversation, 'are you trying to play psychologist with me?'


'You are''

'Look, Fox, it's nothing, I'm just in my third year and I'm doing a project on people leaving home and well you moved across the world so you must be running from something'  She says, he cant believe she doesn't understand how pissed he is with this.

'Look it's been nice talking to you, but I'm going now'

'Fox,,,' she tries to stop him

'Bye Sara'

Mulder decides to go outside, he needs the fresh air, needs to breathe for a moment, the music is too loud and he needs a break from all the people. The nights air is so refreshing on his skin and the breeze cools him instantly. He starts to feel better.

'It's not nice is it' a voice come from besides him. He turns to see the redhead girl from the coffee shop. How on earth do they keep on bumping into each other, he questions internally.

'What's not nice?' He raises an eyebrow.

'Being treated like an idiot, used for something' she says.

'Look I'm not as much of a dick as your making me out to be, you know?'

'I'm sure you're a lovely guy' she says sarcastically.

'What is your problem honestly?' He spits.

'I don't have a problem' Scully replies

'Obviously you do, why do you care so much about what happened? I'm sorry I ignored you, okay?'

'Don't flatter yourself, honestly'

And with that she walks off, back inside to the party. Whilst Mulder stands reflecting on the situation. He feels angry, but not with her, he felt bad, he felt bad that he had ignored her when she had only tried to be friendly, been purposely cold. But it is what it is, he reasoned and then he decided to go back inside and enjoy the party.

'It's fun honestly'

'I don't know' Mulder says hesitantly. He's done stuff before, he's always done soft-core drugs, that's just what high schoolers do, right? But he's never done anything like this before, he's never considered doing anything like this before. He thinks for a moment. It feels like all eyes on him.

'C'mom Mulder, it's no harm honestly' One boy says and again he thinks for a second.

'Sure, go on then' He says finally and there's a cheer for him.

One of the boys hands him something, it's three small white pills 'just swallow it he says'

and Mulder nods, Because how hard can it be? How bad can it be?

The rest of that night is a dazed blur to him, the party flies by. He is giddy and hyper and he is not fully aware of his surroundings.

He passes the girl from the coffee shop, the feisty redhead and Kitt, a few times, but other than that, nothing is making sense, are his feet even on the ground?

'This music is so loud' he says

'There is no music Fox?' someone corrects him. He's sure there is.

Everything is a hazy blur, the rest of the party passes by and he thinks he's having fun, he thinks this is a good time.

How bad can it be?

TØUCH, WHERE IT HURTS | mulder + scullyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ